Veterinarians agree that frequent vomiting in cats is a cause for concern and if the problem persists, it’s important to get your furry friend checked out by a vet. Here’s what to know if your cat is throwing up all the time.

What Is Considered Frequent Vomiting?

There is a widespread misconception that frequent vomiting is “normal” in cats. This is false, Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, DVM, lead veterinarian at Cat World and Director of Kingsgate Animal Hospital in Texas, explains. Though it is true that cats may occasionally spit up hairballs, vomiting is never normal. Any cat that vomits multiple times in a day or vomits on a frequent basis should be seen by their veterinarian. Dr. Caroline Wilde, DVM, staff veterinarian at Trupanion, agrees that any vomiting is abnormal. “Frequency of vomiting can be relative. Generally speaking, I would consider ‘frequent vomiting’ once a week or more, but I would also be concerned about chronic vomiting, which would be vomiting that has persisted for more than three weeks," she says. “For a cat who has a prior history of vomiting, a change in frequency can also be cause for concern. For example, a cat that ‘normally’ vomits once a month and suddenly is vomiting several times a week, or several times a day.”

Symptoms of Frequent Vomiting in Cats

Dr. Wilde provides a list of common symptoms:

Weight lossDehydration, which may present as a dull, unkempt coat, changes in normal haircoat, sunken eyes or constipationLethargy

Any cat that is vomiting is doing so for a reason. Regurgitating an occasional hairball may not be a huge cause for concern, but it may signal a need for more frequent brushing of the cat, Dr. Whittenburg states. Frequent vomiting can be defined as multiple episodes of vomiting over a short period (days) or single episodes of vomiting that occur over weeks or months.

Causes of Chronic Vomiting

Dr. Wilde explains there are many potential causes of chronic vomiting in cats including:

Intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites generally have a specific part of the GI tract that they have an affinity for, such as large vs small intestine, stomach, etc. They can cause local changes to that area such as inflammation, and in severe parasitic infection, even obstruction, which can cause vomiting.


Cats groom themselves, and in the process swallow their own hair. In long-haired cats, cats who shed a lot or those cats with altered intestinal motility, the hair can form a hairball which can get “stuck.” If that occurs in the esophagus or the stomach, they can be “coughed” up or vomited. If it occurs further down the GI tract, that can trigger the vomiting center in the brain and can sometimes cause obstruction.

Intestinal disease

Local inflammatory changes in the intestines cause vomiting.

Food intolerance or allergy

Cats can be allergic to their food, generally to the specific protein source of the food, (like chicken or beef). When they ingest that specific protein or diet component they are allergic to, that can cause vomiting.

Intestinal obstruction

This can occur due to foreign material ingestion, such as tinsel around the holidays or a hairband (frequent offenders), hairballs or, rarely, parasites. It can also occur due to cancer.Systemic disease

The kidneys and liver are responsible for getting rid of waste in the body and when there is liver or kidney disease, the compounds that they normally get rid of can build up and cause nausea and vomiting

Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract

Cancer in the intestinal tract can form a discrete mass or can be spread diffusely through the GI tract. A discrete mass can alter the passage of ingested material through the intestinal tract, slowing it down or completely obstructing it, which can cause vomiting. Cancerous cells can also produce toxins that can make a cat nauseated and vomit.

Feline hyperthyroidism

This is a condition in which the cat’s thyroid gland becomes hyperactive and secretes too much thyroid hormone. This can have various effects on the cat’s body, including (but not limited to) increased appetite, hyperactivity, weight loss, vomiting, high blood pressure and, in rare cases, seizures.

Cat Vomit Color Chart—and What It Might Mean

Here’s what different colors of cat vomit might indicate: Yellow, orange or brown: This could mean there’s bile in your cat’s stomach and that partially undigested food is present. Red or pink: This could mean your cat ate something foreign and indicates that blood is present. Clear or white: This may simply be due to a regurgitation of saliva in the esophagus. Green: Your cat might have eaten something foreign; green means there’s bile present. Black or brown: If your cat is vomiting up black or brown, it could mean bleeding is present and you should go to the vet immediately.

How the Medication Methimazole Transdermal Gel Can Help

Methimazole is a medication that is given daily to treat hyperthyroidism. It is usually given orally, but it can be formulated into flavored treats and transdermal gel as treatment options for those pet owners who have difficulty giving their cat an oral medication. The get is applied to the inner surface of the ear and is absorbed through the skin.

Diagnosing Frequent Vomiting in Cats

The veterinarian will start with a thorough history and physical exam. Blood work, x-rays and a urinalysis comprise a minimal database that should be performed on all ill cats. Upper GI endoscopy will be needed to visualize the GI tract and obtain biopsies of the walls. These samples will be read out by a veterinary pathologist who will determine if lymphoma or another disease is present, Dr. Whittenburg says. As far as pricing, costs vary widely but may range from hundreds to thousands. If money is a concern, cat owners should speak to their veterinarian so an appropriate diagnostic and treatment plan within the owner’s budget can be constructed.

Treatment Options

The appropriate treatment will depend upon the cat’s diagnosis. For lymphoma, the cat will need to see an oncologist who will determine an appropriate chemotherapy protocol. Again, if this is not within the owner’s budget, there are other treatments that can be discussed, Dr. Whittenburg explains. It is important to note, the sooner a cat is diagnosed, the better likelihood that it will do well with treatment.

How To Prevent Vomiting in Cats

Since the reason for vomiting varies, it’s important to determine what’s causing it. “The only way to prevent vomiting is to get an accurate diagnosis of the problem and treat it accordingly,” says Dr. Whittenburg. Next up: 13 Purr-fect Gifts for Your Favorite Cat-Lover


Dr. Jamie Whittenburg, DVM, lead veterinarian at Cat World and Director of Kingsgate Animal Hospital in TXDr. Caroline Wilde (DVM), staff veterinarian at Trupanion