Monday night’s 13th episode began with remaining competitors still reeling about Rodney and Eliza’s shocking breakup and departures.

Did Eliza and Justin end up together on Bachelor in Paradise?

As fans know, Eliza had given Rodney her rose and sent Justin home, but later dumped Rodney. She traveled to Justin’s hometown to give him the news that she preferred him. Justin was confused and Eliza explained that she’d let group pressure influence her to pick Rodney but she’d “made the wrong choice. I finally went after what I wanted and that’s you.” Justin hesitated and then said he wanted someone who would choose him first— and told Eliza it wouldn’t work. Eliza cried to the cameras that she’d flown across the country for him. She went home alone.

Which new girl joined Paradise?

Host Jesse Palmer welcomed Mara from Clayton Echard’s The Bachelor season, who noticed everyone had low energy. She pulled aside some of the guys in established relationships for chats, only to get the brush off. Mara picked one of the twins, Justin, for a date, to the distress of his flame Florence. On the outing, the two made each other into “human churros,” spreading butter and sugar and chocolate all over their bodies. They kissed and Mara had high hopes even though Justin was much younger and she felt like a “cougar.”

What did Johnny tell Victoria about his family trouble?

As they cuddled on the beach, Victoria urged a heartsick Johnny to confide in her. Johnny told his love, “My little brother’s in prison right now. My mom’s not doing well.” Victoria was so caring that Johnny believed he was open to getting engaged to the brunette beauty.

Did Logan and Kate resolve their differences?

Logan was upset after last week’s rose ceremony in which Kate challenged him for not stepping it up. She moaned to the other women about transferring her romance with Logan, 26, to the real world. He was younger and a “dog walker” with “a broken phone,” Kate, 33, sighed in confessional. They huddled in a cabana and Logan told her how hurt he was that she’d demanded more of him. Kate was sorry but felt she had to steer their entire love boat and didn’t want to do it all the time! Logan pointed out he’d shown how much he cared in front of the group. Kate didn’t think that was enough. He stressed he’d earlier turned down a date with Mara, while she’d previously gone out with Hayden. “I think about you all the time,” Logan said, and Kate appreciated that.

How did the Mara vs. Florence cougar battle go on Bachelor in Paradise?

After his date with Mara, Justin ignored his first older woman, Florence, on the beach and she decided to go pack her bags! But Justin and Florence finally spoke about the situation, before Mara pulled him away for a chat. The hunk told Mara he felt a stronger connection to Florence. Spicy Mara called Justin “wishy washy” to the cameras and cried that she had no one else to pursue on BIP.

Did  Andrew break up with Jessenia on Bachelor in Paradise?

After a couple of love false starts, Andrew had settled into a relationship with Jessenia but after Ency from Clayton’s season showed up on Monday night’s episode, he got excited. Ency invited him on a date and they ate oysters and smooched in the pool. Andrew told Ency how he finally felt sparks with her after a sluggish Paradise journey. Jessenia fumed to the other ladies back at the cabana how she wasn’t sure of Andrew. Eventually, Andrew had a private talk with Jessenia and admitted Ency “had good energy” and he wanted “a fresh start.” They ended things and Jessenia told the cameras, “I feel defeated.” She burst into tears, saying, “I really started to like him.”

Did Logan date newcomer Lyndsey?

A fresh hot blonde joined the show and set her sights on Logan. Lyndsey, who previously appeared on The Bachelor, wanted a date with him. But Logan said he’d have to ask Kate, who was shocked he’d even consider it. “I don’t want you to go,” Kate told her man, and Logan informed Lyndsey he couldn’t date her. Kate was happy Logan had turned Lyndsey down, and the newcomer left the beach in the van in tears after a short spell on BIP.

Who showed up at the end?

Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia from last season’s The Bachelorette arrived and the other gals screamed with excitement. But the guys from Gabby and Rachel’s season who had rebounded on Paradise—Logan, Johnny and Tyler—weren’t pleased to see them! Logan recalled how he ditched Rachel for Gabby’s team and then got COVID and left The Bachelorette. Also, Tyler, who had made it far during Rachel’s journey, didn’t want that to mess things up with his new BIP love, Brittany. Rachel told the group, “We know so much. Paradise is never going to be the same.” A preview for Tuesday night’s episode showed Ency in tears over Andrew and volatile couple Aaron and Genevieve arguing again.