Wouldn’t it be great if a blood test could tell us everything we need to know about our health now and in the future? Scientists have made strides, true: We have special blood tests that look for biomarkers that provide information that signals how your body might respond to a particular cancer treatment. For example, some targeted cancer therapies and immunotherapies will only work for people who have certain biomarkers, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). But we don’t yet have a biomarker test for depression or other psychiatric disorders that have a huge impact on our physical and mental health. That being said, scientists are working on it, and a new study shows some interesting results.

What the Results of the Study Say

A study recently published in the journal Science Advances delved into the genetic correlation between psychiatric disorders and blood biomarkers. “We know that physical health and mental health are intertwined, and when there are signs, such as blood biomarkers, that our bodies’ health is not optimal, this can also indicate risk and even be a risk for mental health conditions,” explains Murray Cairns, PhD, one of the authors of the study. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have already identified some regions of the human genome that are associated with psychiatric disorders, and scientists are interested in learning more about the relationship between biochemical factors and the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, according to the study. This research, which involved a large sample size of more than 400,000, adds to and strengthens the knowledge base about correlations and causations. For example, the researchers looked at C-reactive protein (CRP), a protein made by the liver that goes into your bloodstream in response to inflammation in your body. CRP tests are sometimes administered to people when a doctor suspects they may have a certain condition or wants to monitor it. This can include certain kinds of bacterial infection, an autoimmune condition like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, inflammatory bowel disorder or some other conditions. The researchers found that CRP seemed to actually increase a person’s risk of certain psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa and obsessive-compulsive disorder) and decrease the risk for at least one other (major depressive disorder). But as Cairns explained, it was “lifetime exposure,” not acute exposure. “While increased risk was expected across the board in according with the inflammation hypothesis of psychiatric disorders, we suspect that small amounts of CRP could be important to brain development in a way that is protective for the psychiatric disorders,” he says. “In the not-too-distant future, we should be able to map the biology of an individual’s disease-causing risk components and identify personalized treatment strategies that mitigate those specifically through precision medicine,” adds Cairns.

What All of This Means

Scientists are moving slowly toward improving the biologic understanding of the genetic causes of depression, says Dr. Joel Gelernter, MD, the Foundations Fund Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Genetics and Neurobiology, and director of the Division of Human Genetics (Psychiatry) at the Yale University School of Medicine. And because the genetics of depression risk are “highly, highly complex,” more research is needed. The science is progressing, or “inching forward,” as Dr. Gelertner puts it. One day, perhaps there could be a blood test type of screening tool that could predict a person’s risk of developing certain psychiatric disorders based on certain biomarkers. “But we’re nowhere near a blood test for depression that’s clinically meaningful,” he says.

What You Can Do Now

So, for now, you can’t just ask your doctor to take a blood sample and run a few tests on it to find out if you have a tendency toward depression–or other psychiatric disorders. But don’t let the absence of that type of test deter you from understanding that there are other ways to screen for, diagnose and address depression, Dr. Gelernter says. Depression and anxiety screening tools are available to help you and your doctor gauge your status so you can decide how to proceed. You can even go online. For example, Mental Health America (MHA) offers an online depression test that can help you assess your own mood. MHA cautions that the test is not a diagnostic test, but you can share the results with your doctor and ask for further evaluation. You can also learn more about the various types of depression and the symptoms that accompany them. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the various types of depression include:

Postpartum depressionPersistent depressive disorderSeasonal affective disorderBipolar disorderPsychotic depression

If you experience some of the following symptoms every day for at least two weeks, you may be affected by depression:

Lingering or persistent feelings of sadnessFeeling of hopelessnessFeeling of worthlessnessIrritabilityLack of interest in things that normally interest or excite youFatigueTalking or moving more slowly than usualRestlessnessTrouble focusing or concentratingSleep disturbancesAppetite or weight changesSuicidal thoughtsHeadaches, stomach pains, or other pains or digestive issues without a clear physical cause

If you experience persistent symptoms, let your doctor or another mental health professional know—they can help. Next up: High-Functioning Depression Isn’t Always Easy to Identify, So Here Are the Top Signs to Watch Out For (and What to Do)


Murray Cairns, PhD.Joel Gelernter, MDMedLinePlus. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test.National Cancer Institute. Biomarker Testing for Cancer Treatment.National Institute of Mental Health. Depression.Science Advances. Genetic estimates of correlation and causality between blood-based biomarkers and psychiatric disorders. What Blood Markers Can Tell You About Your Mental Health - 30