With Omicron spreading like wildfire, at this point, nearly everyone knows someone who has tested positive, if they haven’t tested positive themselves. And since the last thing you want is to feel sick during the holidays, many people are wondering what over-the-counter medicine can help alleviate symptoms. Even if you haven’t contracted the virus, it’s good to be prepared and keep your medicine cabinet stocked up. Here’s the best over-the-counter medication to take for Omicron.

What over-the-counter medications can help alleviate symptoms?

So far, the data shows people infected by omicron have milder symptoms than those infected by Delta, Dr. William Li, MD, doctor, and author ofEat To Beat Disease explains. The Omicron symptoms are dry scratchy throat, runny nose, congestion, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. But because these are the same symptoms seen with Delta, it is still too early to know if there are major differences between them.  For patients infected with Omicron, taking over-the-counter cold and flu medications and ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be helpful for symptomatic relief, Dr. Li adds.

Does vaccination status make a difference? 

Unvaccinated, vaccinated, and vaccinated with a booster will likely experience different effects of over-the-counter medicine. However, you also have to take into consideration that everyone has different levels of immunity—and that’s a major factor when it comes to the effectiveness of the medication.  “People who are fully vaccinated and have had a booster seem to experience a milder form of infection with Omicron,” says Dr. Li. “They may gain more relief from common over-the-counter cold and flu medications. People who have not been boosted may experience more severe symptoms if their immunity has waned. And those who have not yet been vaccinated are likely to suffer the most severe symptoms from infection from any variant.”  It’s also important to remember that although Omicron has become the dominant variant, Delta is still out there. 

Do specific symptoms determine the type of medicine you should take? 

For cold and flu-like symptoms, take over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and Tylenol for symptom relief.  However, if you experience shortness of breath, progressive cough, high fever, dizziness, or severe chest or abdominal pain, it may be time to visit an urgent care clinic or an emergency room, Dr. Li explains. These may require a more detailed medical evaluation to determine if more aggressive treatment or closer monitoring in the hospitals is necessary.  

Do the current antiviral drugs still work on omicron? 

“The existing arsenal of medicines against COVID-19 are being researched for their effect against the latest variant omicron,” says Dr. Li. “The antiviral drug remdesivir appears to still be effective against omicron.”

Additional safety measures to consider taking

The best safety measures we know at the moment are to get fully vaccinated, and then if eligible, get your booster.  Eat a healthy diet, stay physically active, and get good quality sleep, Dr. Li says. These all contribute to building healthy immune defenses.  Beyond this, the last mile for safety—and the easiest one to take—is to wear a N95 or KN95 mask to reduce your chances of inhaling virus particles from people around you, even people who have a negative antigen test.   “In this Omicron era, people who are negative by rapid antigen tests can still be infected,” Dr. Li explains. “It is so tempting to start socializing again with friends and family, and colleagues, but the pandemic has taken yet another turn, and we need to keep our guard up and double down on precautions.” Next up, Omicron Ruined Your Holiday Plans? Console Yourself With These Omicron Memes 


Dr. William Li, MD, doctor and author of authorEat To Beat Disease

The Best Over the Counter Medication to Take for Omicron - 14