The Sims—Keith, a former NFL offensive lineman, Tia, and their five kids, Cairo, Storm, Keith Jr., Jayson, and Justin—started part-time RV-ing seven years ago. It’s given them the chance to focus on their familial values and the togetherness of traveling as much as education. After all, not all learning happens in the classroom. “We are an African American family that believes in loving each other, supporting one another and trying to teach and empower our children to be knowledgeable of our history so they can be leaders, entrepreneurs, and make positive impacts on society and our country,” Keith tells Parade. When it comes to how the family got into the #RVLife, Keith says Tia was instrumental in getting the ball (or wheels, rather) rolling. “I give all the credit to my wife, Tia. She spent a few years dragging me to RV shows in an effort to convince me that our family needed to get into the RV lifestyle,” Keith explains. “Tia is a stay-at-home domestic engineer, homeschooling mom, and former social worker. She was passionate about the possibilities of RV-ing and what it would bring to our family.” He adds, “We started actively RVing the summer of 2014 and have not looked back.” Ever since, the Sims family has enjoyed hitting the road whenever they can. “Tia convinced me that RVing was not only a wonderful way of showing our kids the country, but also educationally beneficial to the homeschool process and strengthening our family bond,” Keith says. “Not every day has been perfect, but it is perfect for our family. With my football injuries, I have found no better way to travel. The past six years our family has visited 19 states and [we] are looking forward to exploring many more.” Keep reading for the Sims’ tips on homeschooling, RV life, and their favorite camping locations.

Tips for RV homeschooling

The Sims usually spend about 100 nights out of the year in their RV. They travel, sight-see, explore unique learning opportunities, and homeschool right from the convenience of their camper. So, naturally, every pandemic parent enduring remote learning right now is wondering the same thing: What’s the secret? “We have been homeschooling our three boys for the past six years and we still are learning and adjusting,” Keith admits. “One of the biggest pros is the dynamic flexibility that it offers our family… As parents we wanted their learning process to always be interesting and geared toward their interests. RV-ing and homeschooling have given us the ability to add to their educational experience and place them in spaces with experts in various disciplines that offer them in-person, hands-on opportunities that kids in the classroom are rarely able to experience. Their curriculum is limitless and in many ways it is tailored to them as individuals.” A big part of on-the-go homeschooling, according to the Sims, is taking advantage of opportunities students couldn’t get in a classroom. Traveling while homeschooling gives more opportunity for “field trips” if you will. “Even though many of the museums and in-person opportunities are on hold, we are still able to utilize online and virtual options,” Keith says. “We travel with our homeschool curriculum at all times.” Another pro tip? Even though their scenery might constantly change, their routine doesn’t. “The boys are very used to their routines because we have been homeschooling for six years,” Keith adds. “They wake up and get started on their independent school work right after breakfast. We are usually done with homeschooling by lunchtime. At that point, we are free to enjoy the campground or explore the town that we are in.” Of course, as many remote learning parents can attest to, there are simply going to be days when kids (and parents!) just don’t want to work. And that’s okay, Sims says. “RV-ing and homeschooling just fit together so effortlessly. Especially on the days that we just don’t feel like doing any work,” Keith explains. “We all have those days when we are just not feeling it. Those are the days that we close the books and explore. Depending on where we are we may take a hike, find a local museum or historical landmark, do a factory tour or simply take a walk as a family and talk.” In fact, those I-don’t-wanna-work-days are often the most educational… maybe just in a different way. “As parents we are very aware that our time with our kids is so very precious and we are blessed to be able to bond with them during these moments,” Keith says. Another key component to making distance learning work while on the road is making time for pleasure. Not every day can be a schoolday. Sometimes, you have to plan a vacation just to plan a vacation! “Our last trip down to Orlando was purely a fun trip to enjoy Disney World and spend some time in the Florida sun,” Tia explains. But those vacation days are, of course, balanced out with learning opportunities that can feel equally as fun. “In early October Keith took the boys on a ‘boys-only trip’ to the U.S. Space and Rocket center in Huntsville, Alabama,” Tia adds. “As part of the boys’ homeschool science for this year, they spent eight weeks doing a deep dive into the solar system and beyond. The boys were challenged to use the trip as part of their research for their Mission to Mars Project, which they later converted into a presentation for the family.They spent the entire weekend exploring the space and rocket center gathering information. On the tour, the kids learned about the space shuttle program and astronaut training.” The Sims boys got to take part in a mini-space camp, learn about landing and problem-solving space launch and landing issues, and even got to take a tour of a scaled mockup of the international space station. Now that’s an unforgettable educational experience you simply can’t get in the classroom! “It took us a while to get into a grove and a routine that works for us,” Keith explains. “Especially if your kids started out in a formal school setting, it may take some time for everyone to adjust to homeschool and the freedom that it affords.” But remember, different school experiences are, well, allowed to look different. “Homeschool does not have to look like formal school,” Keith adds. “Trust yourself as a parent and an educator. As parents, we know our children better that any teacher will… Learning does not have to be confined to a textbook. In fact, many lessons are best learned in those every day experiences that as adults we do without thinking about.”

Tips on buying (or renting) an RV

If you’re new to the RV life, getting started might feel a bit intimidating. “First and foremost, know that the RV community is friendly and inviting,” Tia says. “We have been amazed that 99.99 percent of the people we have met on the road are friendly and helpful. You will always have a few negative exceptions, no matter where you go. Second, try not to let your budget scare you away. As the RV industry likes to say, there’s a RV for every budget. And you know what? There is!” “There is no right or wrong way to RV,” Tia adds. “Simply find your way.” Tia also recommends asking yourself a few questions before plunging right in. “Lastly, do some research and take advantage of the wonderful RV community,” she says. “Take some time to find the right type of RV for you. Ask yourself, how much will you be using the RV? How many people will I need to sleep? Do I want to tow the RV or Drive it? Will I be camping locally or do I want to travel across the country? Seek the answers to those questions and part of your buying process. Heck, rent an RV via sites like Outdoorsy, a peer-to-peer RV rental company.”

Where to park your RV and tools to use

With all that traveling, the Sims know a thing or two about the best RV-ing locations, so if you’re new to RV-ing or want to start, we had the Sims share their favorite RV spots. “Where to park your RV depends on the style (Class A, B,C or Travel Trailer) and size,” Tia explains. “For example, if you are living the van life, you can park just about anywhere. Keith is in charge of the trip planning. We use tools like RV Trip Planner, GoodSam, and The Dyrt. We prefer family-friendly campgrounds like KOA and Jellystones. These campgrounds have amenities like playgrounds, jump pillows, pools and scheduled activities that cater to families and kids.” As for the best campgrounds, a little research into the RV community will do some good. “Finding the best campgrounds are not a big secret within the RV community,” Tia says. “There are plenty of RV influencers with blogs, YouTube channels, and podcasts that happily share information with anyone interested in the RV lifestyle. You can start at They have tons of information about Rving, camping and the outdoors. I love their online tool which helps you find which RV is right for your needs.” The Sims, of course, have their favorites though. “We love Disney’s Fort Wilderness and here are 10 additional campgrounds we have enjoyed spending time at: Bar Harbor Oceanside KOA, Beverly Beach Town RV resort Normandy Farms, Atlantic Oaks, Mount Rushmore KOA at Palmer Gulch, Luray Jellystone, Cherry Hill RV Park, Imagination Mountain, Travelers Rest KOA Gulf Shores State Park.”

The Sims’ #1 tip on RV-ing

“In our six-plus years of traveling, the number one regret that we hear from people is: We should have started earlier,” Keith says. “RV-ing is not just for retired people, it’s for all of us.” In short, if you’re thinking about RV-ing, just do it! “Some of our favorite memories in life have come in the last six years of RV travel,” Tia says. “Our family has been so blessed by the time we have spent together, traveling in our RV, learning together, exploring together and loving each other. Every day isn’t perfect, but it’s worth it.” Keith adds, “We are truly blessed to have each other and work hard everyday to embrace whatever comes our way, wherever we wake up.” Next, the best advice for dealing with virtual learning during the coronavirus pandemic.

RV Homeschool   How One Family Homeschools From Their RV  - 69RV Homeschool   How One Family Homeschools From Their RV  - 40