The “Good as Hell” singer has always been known for her body positivity, but now, she couldn’t be making it more explicit.  The performer took to Instagram with an important message for not only her haters, but those who attack others for their bodies, too. She shared a Reel on Friday, Jan. 6, from a gorgeous oceanside villa, where she wore a colorful string bikini as she proudly showed off her body in the advice for her followers.  “The discourse around bodies is officially tired,” she said in the clip, backing away after starting the recording to stand in full view. “The discourse around bodies is tired!” she repeated, further emphasizing with distinct claps of her hands.  “I have seen comments go from, ‘Oh my gosh, I liked you when you were thick, why’d you lose weight?’ to ‘Oh my gosh, why’d you get a BBL? I liked your body before!’ to ‘Oh my gosh, you’re so big 🤢 you need to lose weight—but for your health!’ to ‘Oh my gosh, you’re so little, you need to get ass or titties or something,’ to ‘Oh my gosh, why does she get all that work done? It’s just too much work!’” She didn’t even miss a beat before asking in frustration, “Are we okay?!”  She gave it a beat to sink in before continuing, asking, “Do you see the delusion? Do we realize that artists are not here to fit into your beauty standards? Artists are here to make art! And this body is art, and I’ma do whatever I want with this body!” She wrapped it up with a request that matched her caption: “I wish that comments cost ya’ll money, so we could see how much time we’re f—–g wasting on the wrong thing. Can we leave that shit back there please?” Plenty of trolls came out to play, but many commenters were grateful for her continued push for acceptance. “Thank you for saying this, for real. I worked at a busy Starbucks for years and I changed my body in a big way. The AUDACITY of what people would say to me, the customers that would see me daily for years… “what did you stop eating?” “Are you getting skinny?” Loudly and embarrass me, make me think or talk about my body in front of strangers and coworkers. People need to realize, others’ bodies are none of your business. And you don’t know when changes are healthy or unhealthy. Simply tell someone they look happy, or beautiful, or anything other than body-specific comments,” one commenter opened up about their own experience.  “Yes! All of this! I have stage 4 breast cancer and please believe me when I say, life is too short to waste on worrying about body image. Please stop listening to all the negative comments and get out there and live your life! You are so much more than your dress size! ❤️,” another shared. “Because our bodies ain’t nobody business ❤️,” agreed actress Tabitha Brown.  “You are a QUEEN!!!! Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s amazing!!! ❤️,” celebrated another follower. It sure is!