While she’ll say goodbye to Ozark’s Byrde family, she’ll say hello to new projects, experiences with friends and family (including her 8-year-old son, Bennett Armistead Schauer, and husband, Marc Schauer) and a continued effort to make time for her own health: “Self-care is an ongoing, endless skill that I am constantly reexamining and trying to be better at,” she says. “Working out now to me is all about health. The fact that you look better is a nice byproduct, but it’s not about that. It’s about the quality of your life.” We sat down with Linney to discuss her healthiest habits, her outlook on getting older and why she takes a cookbook to bed. How are you feeling heading into the Ozark series finale? I will truly miss playing Wendy [on Ozark]. You think she’s one thing, and then she turns into something else. And then you realize how complicated she is. She’s deeply flawed and challenged and smart and effective—and very immature. She’s been a joy to play. And I’m going to miss the people, amazing crew, fantastic cast, those wonderful writers, the community. When a show is well-run and you like the people you’re working with, it doesn’t matter how heavy the material is, you just feel good. You’re happy at the end of the day. You’ve said that you won’t complain about aging, about growing old. What do you most appreciate about the privilege to age? Being on The Big C [a 2010 Showtime dramedy about a teacher diagnosed with terminal cancer] made me think about time and the value of it. What do you do with time? When is time used well? And when is time squandered? It made me respect time more—no one is entitled to it, and it’s a privilege to age. It’s a privilege to grow old. Not everyone gets to do that. And particularly when I was filming The Big C, I would get very irritated when I would hear people complain about aging. I know it’s not pleasant. It’s not fun; it’s frightening. But I have a lot of friends who are no longer with us who would trade places with anyone whose back is hurting a little bit or someone who feels like their face doesn’t look like it did when they were 20. It puts things in perspective pretty quickly. What’s the alternative to getting older? It is who you are. When I’m living my life, I try being right where I am at the moment. I’m not saying it’s easy all the time. It isn’t. But I’m so grateful for it. What are some things that have changed for you as you’ve grown in the industry? As you get older, you start to think differently about relationships. You learn that some people just aren’t worth it. It’s just not worth the time. They might be sexy and sparkly, and all of that stuff, but who has the time or the energy after a while? You realize there are other people more worthy of your time. You figure out what you need in a friend. You had your son, Bennett, eight years ago. What was it like entering motherhood in your 40s? I was so grateful to become a mother. I was 49. When you have to wait until later in your life, you’re deeply grateful for it. There’s also just something about having lived a little bit that you’re not as afraid of certain things and you’re able to put certain things in perspective. There’s the downside too, which is that your body’s a little older. But it evens out. Being a parent is glorious at any age. How are you staying healthy today? I’m consistent in my inconsistency. During the past two years, you either became very fit and were able to master the strange time that we’re in or everything went to hell in a handbasket. I went somewhere in the middle. I could be a lot better in the self-care department, but I don’t think I’m unusual in that way. I’ll have a great exercise routine going, and then I’ll fall off the wagon. I think that’s probably pretty typical. Working out on set is challenging. There is such little time, but you have to make the time. You either get up extra early, try and stay up late or figure out something that feels good to you. I try to commit to getting on the Peloton bike three days a week. I also love Pilates. And I like to get outside and hike. What keeps you motivated to stay active? What’s great about all these exercise streaming services is that you can share information with friends and keep each other accountable. My friend [The Gilded Age and Mrs. America actress] Jeanne Tripplehorn and I are buddies together on the Peloton. It’s important to have someone outside of your family to encourage you to stay fit, stay focused, stay healthy. Jeanne has been that person for me. Do you find some joy in the kitchen? I’m not a natural cook, but I really try. I love to read cookbooks. I love to go to bed with a cookbook and have a ton of them. I did a lot of baking with my son at the height of the pandemic, and we made all sorts of cookies. There’s a fantastic baking cookbook calledBraveTart [by Stella Parks], which I just loved, and we went through a lot of those recipes. I like making my own recipe books as well, taking my favorite recipes and copying them into a master book. It’s like your own personal greatest hits. What other things do you focus on to bring you joy? My go-to mood boosters are an old movie, cheese popcorn and a bookstore. And a plate of pasta. Throw that in there as well. I try and stay away from gummy bears, but there are times when you just need some sugar to get you through an all-nighter! What are you doing when you’re not working? When I’m not working, I love spending time with friends and family and books and flowers. I like to roll around in the arts and culture a little bit. I love the arts. I love going to the theater. I love going to museums. I love talking to students. I spent time as a volunteer and worked with some special-needs kids as well. I also worked with the deaf community for a bit, and I really loved it. That teaches you to learn how to communicate differently. There’s not one way to communicate with people, and it enhances not just the verbal but the intellectual way to have a conversation. It still fascinates me. Next, Everything You Need To Know About the Ozark Season Finale

Laura Linney on the Ozark Finale  Committing to Her Health and Why She Won t Complain About Aging - 60