Here is a guide to understanding the Juneteenth Flag.

Who made the Juneteenth flag?

The flag was created by activist and organizer Ben Haith, also known as Boston Ben, who founded the National Juneteenth Celebration Foundation (NJCF). Ben Haith created the flag in 1997 in collaboration with Verlene Hines, Azim, and Eliot Des. Later Lisa Jeanne Graf redefined the illustration and brought the current day flag to life.  

What does the Juneteenth flag represent?

The Juneteenth flag symbolizes freedom and justice for Black Americans and African Americans. The colors of the flag are similar to the United States flag because all Americans are able to understand and recognize the importance of African American history. One can not separate African American history from America’s history and the flag reminds us of just that. 

Why is the Juneteenth flag blue and red?

The colors of the flag were deliberately chosen by Haith and the collaborators to showcase that African Americans were always American even throughout enslavement. The Black community is one with America. The colors chosen furthers the notion that America must ensure that all citizens have access to ’liberty and justice for all’. 

What do the star and arc represent in the Juneteenth flag? 

The most noticeable feature of the flag is its star and arc. The star is another callback to the United States flag - representing that Black people are free in all 50th states. The Emancipation Proclamation was first to read and acknowledged in Galveston, Texas. Texas, also known as the Lone Star State played a significant role in the addition of the star. Although Texas was the state that the documentation was read in, it represents freedom across the nation. Alongside the star, the outlined burst and arc represent the new horizon and new opportunities that are to come for Black people.

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