“The itch you feel is the body’s natural immune response to being bitten by an insect,” explains Dr. Corey L. Hartman, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist and Founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham, Alabama. Every insect, be it a mosquito or bee, or any other biting bug, releases saliva and sometimes venom into the skin, which causes redness, swelling and itching." The allergy cells in our skin react to the saliva or other byproduct of the insect," says Dr. Tania Elliott, MD, AAAAI, FACAAI , board-certified allergist in New York City. “The allergy cells release a chemical called histamine that results in itching redness and swelling.” Your skin also may react differently depending on the bug that bit you. “Every bite is different, and everybody is different, so the level of reaction may result in a small bump for some, and a big welt with pain in others,” notes Dr. Hartman.

How to stop bug bites from itching

Thankfully, it’s super easy to stop bug bites from itching. Here are 9 tips to help you find some relief.

Apply a cold compress to the site a few times each day

“The cold from the compress helps to dull the nerve endings around the site so the pain and itch isn’t felt as strongly,” says Dr. Hartman. “A cold compress can also help reduce inflammation, which can make the bite feel better overall.”

Apply ice 

“By icing the area, you can reduce swelling and inflammation and can prevent a bite from getting bigger if used right away,” says Dr. Elliott. “Cold and itch are transferred through the same nerve endings, so your body can’t feel both at once.”

Use a hydrocortisone cream

“Using 1% hydrocortisone is one of the best itch fighters for bug bites; it’s an anti-inflammatory medication that will help reduce swelling, redness and pain,” says Dr. Hartman. “It’s also easy to find at any drugstore. You can apply it up to three times daily.”

Apply a baking soda paste

“Mix baking soda with enough water so it becomes a paste,” says Dr. Hartman. “Gently pat some on the bug bite and let it sit on the skin until the paste dries. Light brush it away and clean the skin. Baking soda can help reduce itching and inflammation from bites.”

Apply some calamine lotion.

Calamine lotion isn’t just for poison ivy. “It can also be used to reduce the itch and sting from bug bites,” says Dr. Hartman. “Calamine also has natural astringent properties, so it can help disinfect the bite location as well. Pour calamine onto a washcloth or cotton swab and gently dab against the bug bite and let the lotion sit on the skin for a few hours. Repeat 1-2 times each day as needed.”

Use a lotion with tea tree oil, or apply a small amount of 100% tea tree oil to the bite location

This can be done once or twice a day depending on your need, says Dr. Hartman. “Tea tree is an antiseptic that can reduce itch and help expedite the healing process.”

Take an antihistamine

“An antihistamine can help with itching, especially if you have multiple bites or are itchy in more than one place, says Dr. Elliott.

Layer up when outdoors

If you want to avoid itchy bug bites altogether, a little prevention goes a long way. “Avoid a bite in the first place by wearing lightweight cotton long sleeves, pants, socks and a hat,” says Dr. Elliott. Next up: Here Are the Best Ways to Get Rid of Gnats


Dr. Corey L. Hartman, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist and Founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham, AlabamaDr. Tania Elliott, MD, AAAAI, FACAAI , board-certified allergist in New York City How to Stop Bug Bites from Itching  Home Remedies to Treat Bug Bites - 57