Even though side planks are a mainstay in many workout classes, they can be tricky to master. Want to nail it? Here, fitness instructors explain exactly how to do a perfect side plank, including variations to make it easier and (gulp) even harder.

What Are the Benefits of Side Planks?

Before getting into exactly how to do a side plank, you may be wondering why you would even want to. What’s the point? Molly Day, NASM, a dancer who has performed with two NBA dance teams and is an instructor with Fiture, says that while side planks target the obliques, they’re a full-body exercise move. “Both side planks and forward-facing planks are great stabilizing exercises, which we all need when we get older,” she says. The difference between them, Day says, is that they use different muscles. “A forward-facing plank works the transverse abdominis muscles—the ones that wrap around you like a corset—whereas a side plank has a greater focus on the quadratus lumborum, which are located on the back side of the abdominal wall and which plays a big part in preventing back pain,” she explains. Robert Cadiz, NASM, a personal trainer, Pilates instructor and Fiture instructor, says that side planks target the hip muscles, glutes and thighs too. “You’ll also get some work out of your shoulder by balancing on it as well as the QL muscle which is deep beneath your back,” he says. “Pretty good use of a single exercise!” Cadiz explains that a side plank is an effective way to target your core muscles and stability work without adding more pressure to the low back, which can happen during a forward-facing plank. “The stronger you enhance your side plank, the better you will be at protecting and stabilizing your spine in order to prevent injury,” he says. If you’re pregnant, Day says that side planks are one of the few core moves that are still safe to do. (However, she adds that if it doesn’t feel comfortable to you, skip it.) For all these reasons, working side planks into your workout routine can be beneficial. Now comes the big question: How exactly do you do it?

How To Do a Side Plank

Here is how to do a perfect side plank, step by step: One common mistake Day says she sees people make when in a side plank is forgetting to breathe. “Taking deep breaths will help you brace your core during a plank, and since side planks are all about stability, breathing throughout will help you get the most out of it,” she says. To use your breath when in a side plank, Cadiz says to use the exhale to help refocus on the core and engage the abs. “Whenever an exercise puts more demand on your core is when you should focus on the breath by squeezing the abs while you release your breath,” he says.

How To Modify a Side Plank To Make It Easier

If you’re struggling with a side plank, there’s absolutely no shame in modifying the move. To make it a little easier, Cadiz says to go through the same steps, keeping your knee on the ground. “You will be a bit more stable, and you will be holding up less of your body weight making it more accessible,” he says. Cadiz says one common obstacle with holding a side plank is shoulder fatigue. If this is happening to you, he says to use your opposite hand to offset some of the weight. “Drop your fingertips down next to your supporting forearm and lift up and out of your shoulder and side body,” he says. If you’re struggling to stay balanced, Cadiz says to stagger your feet with one in front of the other instead of stacked on top of each other. “Crossed legs in a side plank will give you a bit more ground support which may make the exercise a bit more accessible as fatigue starts to set in,” he says. Last, Cadiz says another easy way to modify a side plank is to hold it for a shorter period of time. You can work toward holding it longer as you feel more comfortable.

How To Modify a Side Plank To Make It Harder

Even though side planks are already challenging, there are ways to push yourself to the limit even more. “One way to add difficulty is to incorporate greater balance elements of movement,” Day says. For example, she says that lifting your top leg up so that it is extended out straight instead of resting on top of the bottom leg is one way to do this. If you want to target your obliques even more, Day says to incorporate hip dips into your side planks, pulsing the hips up and down instead of staying still. For a real challenge, Day says to alternate between moving from a forward-facing plank to a side plank. This will really put your stability and abs to the test! “If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that as humans we crave novel experiences, we love variety in our routines, and there is so much joy in trying something new. So simply adding something like a side plank to your daily movement routine is a fun and easy way to challenge your body and give your brain a fun new experience,” Day says. Now that you know exactly how to do a side plank—including how to modify it to fit your fitness level—you just might look forward to them popping up in your exercise classes. You’ve got this!  Next up, learn how to do the Daisy Keech ab workout that’s all over TikTok and see why trainers say it’s so effective.


Molly Day, NASM, Fiture fitness instructor and dancer who has performed with the Celtic Dancers, Knicks City Dancers, and more Robert Cadiz, NASM, personal trainer, Pilates instructor and Fiture instructor