First off, it’s important to know that many people try everything and still can’t get pregnant, and their inability to conceive is a mystery even to doctors. Unfortunately, fertility can feel very random—and when you’re in the throes of trying and you’re not having any success, it can feel very unfair. But if you’re just starting out on your fertility journey and want to know what you can do to optimize it, these doctor-approved tips to boost your fertility might help. Here’s what to know.

What affects fertility?

When it comes to fertility, there are a few  underlying health concerns to be aware of, according to Dr. Sarah Yamaguchi, MD, FACOG, and board-certified gynecologist DTLA Gynecology:

Structural issues such as damaged fallopian tubes from infections, surgery or genetic conditions.Uterine structure issues such as abnormal shape at birth, fibroids, polyps, or scarring from infection or previous procedures.Ovulatory issues such as PCOS, hypo or hyperthyroid, and pituitary tumors or unknown but not releasing eggs.Egg quality issues such as chromosomal abnormalities due to aging eggs or translocations in genetic coding.

How to boost your fertility

Here are the top ways to boost fertility, according to doctors.

Understand your natural odds of pregnancy

There are many misconceptions surrounding fertility, ranging from the time it “should” take to conceive to sexual positions that increase the likelihood of conception (myth!). “It is natural to assume that conception will be achieved quickly and easily. But the reality is that many complex physiologic events must occur in perfect synchrony before pregnancy can occur,” says Dr. David Diaz, MD, reproductive endocrinologist and fertility expert at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. As a result, the chance of getting pregnant in any given month isn’t as high as you might think. “In fact, even young healthy women have only about a 20% chance a pregnancy will occur in a given month,” Dr. Diaz explains. “This sort of factual information must be firmly established so that meaningful treatment can take place.”

Learn how to time your fertile window

When it comes to the window in which you’re actually fertile, you should know that “each month is limited to a few days. If a woman has regular cycles about every 28-30 days, it is relatively easy to determine the fertile days," Dr. Diaz states. He recommends following this simple formula to calculate your best days for lovemaking: Count the number of days between the start of your menstrual cycles subtract the number 14, and remainder tells you the most likely ovulatory day counting from the first day of your menstrual flow. “From the formula, the couple should start lovemaking on day number 12, 14, 16 counting from the first day of full menstrual flow,” says Dr. Diaz. “The key is that the rule works best when cycles are regular. If you’re not having success with this, consult a fertility specialist.”

Reduce stress

If a couple is struggling to get pregnant, the stress and pressure of scheduling sex during ovulation can actually hinder their chances of conception. “The emotional and psychological burden of trying to ’time’ sexual intercourse is fraught with problems which cause unnecessary stress for the couple and ultimately can lead to marital strife when the lovemaking process becomes a chore instead of being pleasurable,” Dr. Diaz explains. It sounds simple, but one of the easiest ways to boost fertility is to stress less. “Natural fertility seems to work best by keeping it simple, making it intimate and tossing away the gadgets,” Dr. Diaz states. “Recall that everyone is exposed to the usual stressors of normal life but the effect of stress is more pronounced if we allow it to overwhelm our lives.”

Maintain a healthy weight

To increase your chances of getting pregnant, aim for a healthy weight range. “Having a healthy BMI is best,” Dr. Yamaguchi explains. “Both being too thin and being overweight can impair your ability to ovulate.”

Manage your weight through healthy eating and exercise habits

“The best way to maintain or attain a healthy weight is through diet and exercise," says Dr. Yamaguchi. “I do not recommend extreme diets, but instead balanced and healthy diets as the plan would be to maintain a healthy weight while trying to get pregnant and throughout your pregnancy and postpartum,” Dr. Yamaguchi adds. When it comes to diet, avoid saturated fats and keep your blood sugar levels balanced.” Saturated fats and elevated blood sugar levels can cause abnormal hormonal profiles," says Dr. Zaher Merhi, OBGYN, and the founder of Rejuvenating Fertility Center.

Have sex often

Don’t always wait until you’re ovulating to have sex. Frequent sex (3 to 4 times each week) will naturally boost your fertility. “While it’s true that there are only a few days each month that you can get pregnant to begin with, a man’s sperm can live inside the woman’s reproductive system for up to five days, which means she can get pregnant a few days before and after the precise ovulation day,” says Dr. Diaz. The bottom line: Do it often (literally)! “Many couples believe they should ‘save up’ the man’s sperm until the most fertile days of the woman’s cycle but in reality, the complete opposite is true,” Dr. Diaz explains. “Frequency of sexual intimacy, three to four times weekly, is the simplest way to increase natural fertility and thereby increasing the odds of pregnancy.”

Don’t smoke

The negative health effects of smoking are well-known, and it should come as no surprise that fertility is also on the list. “Whether smoking tobacco or marijuana, excessive use of either can lead to a decrease in the couple’s fertility. Marijuana can lead to low sperm motility and diminished libido, thereby reducing lovemaking and if combined with alcohol, using marijuana can lead to unsafe sexual behavior and errors in judgment,” Dr. Diaz states. Women who smoke are not only damaging their respiratory health, they’re also harming their eggs. “For women, tobacco use causes multiple chronic lung, respiratory, and cardiovascular problems and for reproduction, the burning tobacco leaves and cigarette paper produces harmful chemical by-products which damage the delicate eggs,” says Dr. Diaz. “This can lead to lower rates of fertilization and increased miscarriage rates.” Abstaining from smoking is important during pregnancy as well. “Continuing tobacco use in pregnancy is equally harmful to the unborn child. Smoking after delivery creates secondhand smoke which is extremely harmful to the baby and has been associated with crib death. If you or your partner smoke, seek help for smoke cessation to increase your odds of getting pregnant,” Dr. Diaz explains.

 Take vitamins

Dr. Merhi recommends taking prenatal vitamins and vitamin D on a regular basis. “Taking prenatal vitamins can help. Folic acid is a definite that should be taken. A decrease in folic acid can cause fetal abnormalities,” says Dr. Merhi. “Take vitamin D if you’re low on it, too.”

Schedule regular appointments with your OB/GYN

If there’s an underlying health concern that’s left untreated, it can negatively affect your ability to conceive. “Keep up to date with your OB/GYN and make sure to mention any issues with irregular periods, painful periods, or heavy periods as those can be a sign that there might be something going on,” Dr. Yamaguchi states.

How does birth control affect your fertility?

Many believe that staying on birth control for too long can harm your chances of conceiving, but this is a myth. “Birth control pills, patches and rings wear off fairly quickly (hence the warning about not missing pills),” Dr. Yamaguchi explains. “IUDs also wear off quickly. Implants such as Nexplanon can take a little longer while the Depoprovera shot can take the longest.” It’s important to note that birth control does not permanently affect your fertility. Your age is the primary factor in whether or not you can conceive. “It just takes differing amount of time for birth control to wear off,” says Dr. Yamaguchi. “However, if you started the pill when you were 21 years old and you are now 39 years old, you will have the fertility of a 39-year-old.  Many women think that the pill has made them less fertile, but it is really just that they are older.”

What you need to know about fertility testing

Thinking about getting your fertility tested? Here’s what you should keep in mind first. “Fertility tests are really meant to be ‘infertility tests.’  These tests are really meant as part of a workup for couples who have tried to get pregnant themselves but have been unsuccessful,” Dr. Yamaguchi explains. People often take these tests to measure how “fertile” they are, but that’s not how it works. “There is no test or set of tests to say for sure you can or cannot get pregnant,” Dr. Yamaguchi states. “For a large majority of infertile couples, there is no reason found for why they cannot conceive.  So just because testing is ‘normal’ does not mean you cannot get pregnant and just because it is ‘abnormal’ does not mean you cannot get pregnant.” So, what does a fertility test involve? “Tests for infertility involve a semen analysis for the man, lab tests looking to see if the woman is ovulating, lab tests to look at egg reserve/quality, an ultrasound to evaluate the structure of the uterus and check for ovarian cysts, and finally an X-ray using dye that is pushed through the cervix to see if the fallopian tubes are open,” says Dr. Yamaguchi. “I usually recommend an infertility workup if the couple has been having timed intercourse (sex before/during ovulation) for one to two years if under 35 and 6 months if 35 and over.” Next, read up on what to say to a loved one struggling with fertility, according to experts.


Sarah Yamaguchi, MD, FACOG, Board Certified Gynecologist at DTLA GynecologyDavid Diaz, MD, reproductive endocrinologist and fertility expert at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CADr. Zaher Merhi, OB/GYN, and the founder of Rejuvenating Fertility Center How to Boost Fertility  What Affects Fertility  Plus Doctor Approved Fertility Tips - 40