Let’s be honest: It can be challenging to estimate the number of calories burned running. Most treadmills determine calorie count based on pace and distance, but those numbers aren’t always accurate. For example, think about how much energy it takes to run up a hill versus a flat surface—big difference! To effectively measure calorie expenditure, there are numerous factors to take into consideration. Here’s everything you need to know about how many calories you actually burn running. 

Factors that impact the number of calories burned running

The truth is, we’re not all going to burn the same amount of calories running. So here are the top factors that impact the number of calories you’ll burn:


A person’s body weight plays a huge role in the number of calories they burn, John Gardner, a NASM certified personal trainer and the CEO and Co-Founder behind Kickoff, explains.  For example, a person who weighs 140 pounds will burn around 315 calories in 30 minutes (running at an average pace of 10 mins per mile). Whereas a person who weighs 180 pounds will burn around 405 calories while running at the same pace for the same distance.


When your heart rate goes up, so does calorie expenditure. “The faster you run, the more calories you burn as your heart rate increases, increasing the intensity and challenging yourself,” says Gardner.


Running on a flat surface is a lot easier than running on an inclined surface, so if you’re running on a flat road or a treadmill without an incline, you’ll burn fewer calories.  “Since an inclined surface is more challenging and acts as a form of resistance, it requires more effort to run, engages more muscles and ends up burning more calories,” Gardner states. 

Duration and distance 

How far are you running and what’s the length of your typical run? If you run for 30 minutes, you’re bound to cover less distance than if you run for 60 minutes, Gardner states. The more you run, the further the distance, the more calories you burn. 

Whether you’re male or female

The structure of the human body for men and women is quite different.  In most cases, men will burn more calories than women during a run as a result of men having more muscle mass, Gardner explains. Muscle not only requires more energy than fat, but also ends up burning more calories in the process. 

Best apps to determine the number of calories you burn

If you’re looking for an app that can accurately track the number of calories you burn running and other general running-related stats, here are some expert-recommended ones to consider:


“This is a great app that can help you keep track of your daily activity levels. You can set goals and track how many steps you take each day. It’s also good for tracking sleep patterns. This app has been around for years and is still going strong,” says Reda Elmardi, certified strength and conditioning specialist trainer, registered dietician, and certified nutritionist.


RunKeeper is a free running app that tracks your distance, pace, time, and calories burned while you’re out for a jog, Elmardi explains. It’s a great tool if you want to know exactly what you’ve accomplished during your workout.

Calories burned running vs other workouts

So, how do calories burned running compare to calories burned during other workouts? Here’s the breakdown.

Running vs. cycling

If you run a 5K at a 10-minute mile pace, you’ll burn about 328 calories, according to Gardner. If you cycle at a moderate pace for 30 minutes (around the same amount of time), you would burn around 200 calories, according to Elmardi.

Running vs HIIT workouts

“Running burns about 300 calories per hour, while high-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns between 400-600 calories per hour,” says Elmardi. “If you are looking to burn fat, but don’t want to spend hours at the gym each day, then HIIT workouts may be your best option.”

Running vs swimming

Running 5k at a 10-minute mile pace will burn around 328 calories compared to 350 calories burnt when swimming freestyle at a fast pace and 250 calories when swimming at a slower pace for 30 mins, Gardner states.

Running vs rollerblading

“Running 5k at a 10-minute mile pace will burn around 328 calories compared to around 250 calories rollerblading for 30 mins,” says Gardner.

Running vs hula hooping

Running 5k at a 10-minute mile pace will burn around 328 calories compared to around 180 calories burnt hula hooping got 30 mins, Gardner explains. Next up: Here’s How Many Calories You Actually Burn Walking A Mile—Plus, Ways to Burn Even More 


John Gardner, a NASM certified personal trainer and the CEO and Co-Founder behind KickoffReda Elmardi, certified strength and conditioning specialist trainer, registered dietician, and certified nutritionist How Many Calories Do You Burn Running  - 22