Buckingham Palace said that while “all are deeply saddened” by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s decision, but that the couple will remain “much loved” family members. The statement said that following discussions between Harry and his grandmother, the queen ultimately decided “that in stepping away from the work of the royal family it is not possible to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.” Sadly, because their desire for financial independence has been deemed incompatible with Harry and Meghan’s previously stated intention to continue carrying out work on behalf of the charities and organizations they represent, the couple will have to hand back their royal patronages to the queen. The patronages will be redistributed among other members of the family. Meanwhile, Harry will also be stripped of his honorary military appointments. A 12-month review of the Sussexes’ position was always on the cards after the ‘Sandringham summit’ last January, which saw a tense meeting between Harry and his family after he and Meghan dropped the bombshell that they wanted to step down as senior royals but retain their patronages. There is a note of disappointment at the lack of a resolution in the Sussexes’ statement, which said, “As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organizations they have represented regardless of official role. “We can all live a life of service. Service is universal.” Meghan must now step down as patron of the National Theatre and the Association of Commonwealth Universities, while the patronages Harry will lose include the Rugby Football Union and the Royal Marines (he will still remain a patron of the Invictus Games in a private capacity.) Earlier this week the Guardian reported that “The couple believes they have made their commitment clear to each of the organizations concerned, it is understood. Had it not been for the COVID-19 pandemic, it is said they would have regularly returned to the UK to support those organizations. “They still hope to be able to promote and represent them on the world stage.” Alas, it is not to be. The royal family is currently bracing for any potential embarrassing revelations that may surface in Meghan and Harry’s upcoming interview withOprah Winfrey, which follows the news that Meghan has won her privacy case against a British tabloid and that she is pregnant with the couple’s second child. Next up, The Cutest Picture of Harry and Meghan Featured on the Sussexes’ Thank You Cards!