Generation Names and Years
Greatest Generation (Born 1901-1927)
Also known as the G.I. Generation, the Greatest Generation survived a lot: They lived through the Great Depression, fought in World War II, and grew victory gardens to feed their families, then contributed to one of the most economically prosperous times in American history. The term “Greatest Generation” gained popularity thanks to a 1998 book by the same name by journalist Tom Brokaw that examined the legacy those born during the time left behind. Like millennials and Gen X, the Greatest Generation also came of age in an era of rapidly innovating technology, including the telephone, radio, and television, as well as the proliferation of much more sinister inventions, like the atomic bomb that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during the war. The Greatest Generation are lauded for their abilities to adapt and thrive in crisis and are celebrated for leaving the world better than they found it.
Silent Generation (Born 1928-1945)
The Silent Generation followed the Greatest Generation. Known as traditionalists, the Silent Generation were small in number due to low birthrates in the 1920s and 1930s and were generally raised as kids to be seen and not heard, hence their name (coined by Time in a 1951 essay). Like the Greatest Generation, they survived the Great Depression and were born during periods of war. The Silent Generation were described as “fatalistic” and practical, and generally opposed to war—especially in Korea and Vietnam. Largely better educated than their parents, the Silent Generation longed for a secure job and quiet, idyllic life (but were tolerant of other lifestyles as well). Nevertheless, feminists in the Silent Generation were often subjected to stereotypes, even by respected outlets, for wanting both a career and a home life.
Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964)
Baby Boomersgot their moniker from the “baby boom” that followed the second World War: There are 76 million Baby Boomers. Known for their post-World War II optimism, Baby Boomers were largely shaped by the Cold War, Vietnam War, and Civil Rights, hippie, and yuppie movements. Boomers generally value interpersonal communication, Psychology Todaynotes, but are still largely fluent with technology. Baby Boomers have the highest divorce rate in American history, and the second-highest marriage rate. Boomers are regarded as driven, especially financially, to the point of often being criticized as greedy. They were one of the first generations to popularize the “live to work” lifestyle, and there may be a reason for that that they themselves may not have expected during their youth: Social Security and Medicare may not be able to support them in retirement because there are simply so many of them.
Gen X (1965-1980)
Gen X (Generation X) is often referred to as a forgotten generation. They had the highest rate of divorced parents of any generation in our list. Gen Xers are more focused on work-life balance than their workaholic Boomer parents, because they were often “latch-key kids.” Though sometimes accused of being being lazy and cynical, Gen X is actually largely entrepreneurial, and one of the last generations not to be saddled with crippling student loan debt. Numerous historical events have defined and shaped Gen X, including: The end of the Cold War, Ronald Reagan’s laissez-faire economics and recession, the crack and AIDS epidemics, and the rise of home computing and the internet. Gen Xers were also at the rise of informality at the office, something generations that followed have also adapted. They also ushered in the golden age of hip-hop and birth of grunge, and with it a widespread disdain of authority and the establishment as a whole.
Millennials (1981-1995)
Millennialshave been called out for technology addiction and alleged narcissism, but there’s much more to them than their devices and Instagram feeds. Also known as Generation Y, millennials have lived through two major recessions, countless mass shootings, racial and civil unrest, 9/11 and the two longest wars in American history (Iraq and Afghanistan). Timecalled entitled and bratty, labeling them the “me me me generation.” This can at least partially be attributed to millennials having created and proliferated social media. Remember MySpace? Millennials are also the generation most likely to suffer from and seek help for mental illnesses and disorders like depression and anxiety, due in no small part to the immense pressure to succeed like prior generations as well as the lack of economic opportunities to do so. Millennials are the first generation to have higher rates of both unemployment and student loan debt than preceding generations. As an age group, Millennials are apprehensive about homeownership owing to a lack of financial stability, and have largely delayed marriage and children for the same reason.
Gen Z (1996-2015)
Gen Zare the first truly digital native generation, with many receiving their first phone before 11 years old. More social media-savvy than their millennial peers, Gen Z are more aware of social justice and political issues than many of their older generations were at the same age, largely due to their heavy social media use. Studies have shown that Gen Z possess a great deal of emotional intelligence compared to elder generations, and is more likely to partake in activism. Because Gen Z is still so young, however, there isn’t a ton of data on them just yet—but we’re looking forward to how they’ll make their mark. What generation is after Gen Z? According to The Atlantic, the next generation will be known as Generation Alpha (although it remains to be seen whether the moniker stands the test of time). Next, find out what millennial burnout is.