Facebook founder Mark Zuckerbergwrote of the outage last night, “Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger are coming back online now. Sorry for the disruption today—I know how much you rely on our services to stay connected with the people you care about.” Of course, the outage came on the heels of a bombshell report from a whistleblower, Frances Haugen, speaking to 60 Minutes about Facebook alleged promotion of misinformation to drive up engagement and the company’s alleged awareness that Instagram is damaging to the mental health of kids and teens on the platform. (Facebook denied the allegations.) In any case, Twitter was flooded with Facebook outage memes because, well, Twitter was still online! We’ve rounded up the best ones for you below.
Facebook Outage Memes
1. Was the Facebook and Instagram outage all part of a greater plan?
2. Timely!
3. Somewhere, a small blue bird holds a box of matches…
4. Old school gamers will understand.
5. How many of you would notice a LinkedIn outage?
6. We’re still waiting on our nuggs.
7. How many of you struggled to remember (and then reset) your Twitter logins yesterday?
8. You had time to catch up on reading!
10. Do you remember your MySpace password?
11. Did you get comfortable microblogging?
12. Misinformation had to find a new medium for a while.
13. Suddenly the character limit didn’t seem so bad.
14. Aw, poor Snapchat.
15. A eulogy for status updates and heart hands.
16. Admit it, you kept refreshing.
17. Twitter users, did you feel superior for a day?
18. Admit it, it was probably nice to take a break from some of your relatives. (You can mute them!)
20. Hey, who’s up for a challenge?
21. RIP to the relationships that were ruined (but good riddance to the cheaters).
22. Squid Game was just in time to make memes.
23. What page-turners did you pick up for a few hours?
24. We imagine everyone’s sweat may have been able to extinguish this fire.
25. “On your left!”
26. Mark Zuckerberg still has several billion dollars with which to wipe his tears.
27. How old did you feel?
28. To be clear, Anonymous hasn’t taken credit or really been blamed for the Facebook outage … but this is still pretty funny.
29. Oh, Tom. Everyone’s first friend.
30. Actual doctors and scientists probably had eight hours of bliss.
31. Dads!
32. Well, The Social Network, this aged well.
33. Kowalski!
34. He had one job!
35. The Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp outage is no dilemma if you only text through … Microsoft Excel.
Next, ever seen your Facebook privacy settings? 13 million People haven’t!