However, there’s another cause of headaches that many people don’t know about that’s only worsened with the pandemic. Whether it’s staring at a screen too long or trying to focus in a bright or dim environment, eye strain occurs when your eyes are tired from overuse. “Now that many people have shifted to working from home, we are spending even more time working on screens - computer screens, smartphone screens, and so on,” says Dr. Benjamin Bert, MD, an ophthalmologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. “You are not getting up and walking around the office to talk to a co-worker. Even meetings are now virtual and on a screen. All of the added screen time does put some strain on the eyes.”

What causes an eye strain headache?

Here are the top causes of eye strain headaches.

Staring at a screen too long

When we look at a screen and try to focus for an extended period of time, we aren’t blinking as often. Blinking keeps your eyes moist and eye muscles relaxed. We do not blink as often when we are looking at a screen, Dr. Bert explains. Without having breaks during the day, these mini ‘staring contests’ with our screens will lead to fatigue and symptoms of dry eyes. Also, blinking keeps your eyes protected, so if you aren’t doing it enough, you open your eyes up to potentially harmful environmental factors. “Along with reduced blinking comes increasing break up of the tear film, which you may imagine as a protective bubble film which moisturizes and protects the eye, as well as increased evaporative moisture loss,” says Dr. Howard R. Krauss, MD, neuro-ophthalmologist and Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Saint John’s Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. “Couple that with dry indoor air, flowing across one’s face, propelled by an HVAC system and the dryness may become severe, leading to tearing, burning or redness.”

Focusing on a task for an extended period of time

Looking at a near target for a long period of time does cause the eyes to accommodate, using muscles inside of the eyes to try and focus on a near target, Dr. Bert explains. Accommodating for long periods can lead to fatigue and headaches. “Dryness, even in the absence of these symptoms, is sensed by the brain, triggering a reflexive tightening of the orbicularis, procerus and corrugator muscles, which are responsible for eyelid closure,” says Dr. Krauss. “But in our desire to keep watching or reading, we struggle to keep the eyes open, leading to more dryness and more muscle spasm, until we end up with “eyestrain” and a headache.” In other words, your eyes want to close, and the more you fight it, the more strain and pain you’ll experience.

Vision problems

With age, eyesight can become worse. For example, if you find yourself starting to squint while driving you may need glasses or a stronger prescription. This continuous effort to focus can cause eye strain headaches. “A basic way to think of it is that when people look far away, the eyes are more relaxed. When they look at something up-close the eyes need to use muscular activity to add refractive power so that things stay sharp and in focus,” says Dr. Brian Brazzo, MD, board-certified ophthalmologist and a fellowship-trained plastic surgeon. “This is called accommodation. When many people get to the age of 40 years old, on average they are not able to make this change and the eye muscles become fatigued.”

Symptoms of eye strain headaches

Here are seven common symptoms to look out for:

Sore eyesTrouble keeping your eyes openDry eyesLight sensitivityDouble or blurry visionDifficulty concentratingNeck, shoulder, or back pain

So, why does this happen? “Intense, prolonged focus may produce a spasm of the near reflex, leading to temporary blurred distance vision, and in some cases, double vision at distance,” says Dr. Krauss. “Prolonged screen time may also provoke poor posture or sustained head, neck and shoulder positions which may provoke muscle spasm neck and headaches.”

Treatment options for eye strain headaches

If you suspect your headache is caused by eye strain, here are a few treatment options to try.

Optimize your indoor environment

If you’re allergic to some of the items in your home, remove them from your workspace and where you spend the most time. Dr. Krauss recommends vacuuming and cleaning the home often enough to minimize dust and debris. Also, consider an air filtering system and a humidifier. Control your work or screen viewing locations, or redirect the airflow, such that you are seated in locations where the air isn’t “blowing on you.”

Adjust your screen position

If your screen is in a room that’s too bright or too dim, that can affect how hard your eyes have to work to stay focused. Establish comfortable seating and working positions, angles, and distances (optimize the ergonomics), Dr. Krauss explains. For fixed position screens, view them at times when they are off—check for reflected light from windows or light fixtures, which may not be evident when the screen is on, but nonetheless may produce glare, which may potentially trigger migraine, he adds. Vary your working positions and angles.

Take regular screen breaks

Take breaks every 10 to 15 minutes and look at a distance target—out a window, across the room—in order to allow the eyes to relax. It is important during these little breaks to also close the eyes completely for one to two seconds, says Dr. Bert. If, while the eyes are closed, they start to burn or feel irritated, then they are already starting to become dry. In those instances, taking additional breaks or using artificial tear drops can be beneficial.

How to prevent eye strain

Along with being mindful of your screen time, utilize eyewear and eye drops. Both can help preserve your eye health. Eyeglasses ease focusing strain, may reduce glare, and help to block drying airflow across the eyes, Dr. Krauss states. Consider a regular regimen (several times per day and more often when symptomatic) of preservative-free ocular lubricating drops. However, if your eye strain headaches don’t improve with the treatments above, then you should consult an eye care professional. Next, read Why Are My Eyes Itchy? 10 Reasons for Dry, Itchy Eyes


Benjamin Bert, MD, an ophthalmologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CAHoward R. Krauss, MD, neuro-ophthalmologist and Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Saint John’s Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA Brian Brazzo, MD, board-certified ophthalmologist and a fellowship-trained plastic surgeon Eye Strain Headache  Causes  Symptoms  and Treatment - 80