We have to start with the house learning about your race-based comments and the suspicions of another Cookout alliance you had starting a few weeks back. The reveal led to several tough conversations, especially with Monte, Taylor, and Terrance. Talk to me about the experience of speaking to people about the reasoning you had and how you look back on that thinking after seeing those reactions.So having conversations with Monte, Taylor, and Terence was honestly amazing. They were so gracious and so kind to me in this learning process. And I’m so excited moving forward to proceed with this process outside of the house and find resources that can help me better understand this topic.You said this week that you were at the bottom of the Leftovers alliance. But a few weeks ago, you seemed to be in with several alliances like the Pound, as well as in good with Turner, Michael, and Brittany. What made you believe that you were still on the bottom?So much can change on a week-by-week basis in the Big Brother house. In the week that Indy left, I was being left out of crucial conversations about who the target should be that week. As well as not getting picked by Michael in Brochella, I felt like my standing in the Leftovers was a lot lower than what it was a few weeks ago.You initially painted Alyssa as a target to the Leftovers, then caused tension when you made efforts to save her when they were looking to evict her. How did your changing relationship affect the way you interacted with your alliance?So at the start of the game, I was all about game and not a lot about Alyssa. And later in the game, my entire game was Alyssa. I was prioritizing her over the alliance, and that definitely affected my standing with them.You chose to reveal the Leftovers to Alyssa and Terrance last week. How do you look back now on the choice to do that and go after Joseph so adamantly, to the point that you called him a “scumbag” and painted him in a negative light to Taylor this past week?Again, it kind of ties back to that I didn’t feel great in my standing with the Leftovers. And I was hoping at some point in the game I could work completely honest with Alyssa, and at that moment, I was in survival mode. So any information I could utilize, I was going to do so.To finish, let’s get your rapid-fire thoughts on the remaining houseguest. Starting with Alyssa.Amazing.Brittany.Caring.Michael.Thoughtful.Monte.Loyal.Taylor.Powerful.Terrance.Understanding.Finally, Turner.Happy.Next, check out our interview with Joseph Abdin, who was evicted in Big Brother 24 Week 7.