Whether you’re experiencing stress and anxiety as things slowly go back to “normal” after a traumatic year, the loss of a loved one or another personal struggle, being around people who have gone through something similar and can relate to what you’re feeling provides a great deal of comfort. Oftentimes, this requires looking outside of our immediate circle. This is where support groups come in. “When you think of support groups, chances are you are picturing a dark church basement where everyone sits in a circle and shares deeply personal information. Those aren’t the typical support groups anymore," says Dr. Natalie Bernstein, clinical psychologist and life coach. “Today, more than ever, support groups are growing and thriving online.” Here is everything you need to know about online support groups.

What are support groups?

“Support groups are a space for multiple individuals to come together and provide each other with various types of help,” says Holly Schiff, PSyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist. “It creates a sense of community, reduces isolation and loneliness and helps the members feel more empowered since people with the same issues are coming together to share coping strategies, stories, and experiences.” In a support group, you can speak freely, expressing your emotions in a safe space.“Within a support group, you are encouraged to talk openly and honestly about your feelings, and it can also help you stay motivated to stick to your treatment plan since you know there are others who are going through the same thing and will also hold you accountable,” Dr. Schiff explains. Online support groups can also give people a chance to connect with a broad network. “Virtual support groups provide the benefit of more frequent and flexible participation as well as opportunities for those who may not have local in-person support groups in their community," Dr. Schiff states. “There is also a higher degree of privacy and anonymity.” Certain groups even have experts come in to speak on different subjects. “Sometimes support groups will offer educational opportunities where they have an expert or professional come in and talk about a topic related to the group’s needs and you can gain practical feedback and learn some skills to cope with your challenges,” Dr. Schiff adds.

Why are support groups important for our mental health?

Surrounding yourself with people you can lean on during tough times will help speed up the healing process. “Having a strong support system is important for our mental health, since having people you trust and can turn to can help you manage everyday challenges,” says Dr. Schiff. “It’s vital that you have people you feel comfortable talking to about what you’re experiencing and what support you may need. Having a social support system has been shown to have a positive impact on your overall mental health and emotional support can help buffer some of life’s stressors and improve your ability to cope with stress. Social support can build you up and give you the strength to not only carry on, but to thrive.”

10 best online support groups

ADAA Online Support Group

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is a platform for those seeking advice and find people who are currently or have experienced similar mental health struggles. Their support group focuses on the prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders. While anxiety and depression are the main focus, they also cover OCD, ADHD, PTSD and other types of mental illness. You can join on your desktop or download the app.

Support Groups Central

If you want a bunch of options to choose from, check out Support Groups Central. It’s the ultimate support group resource, providing everything from addiction recovery and eating disorders to depression and LGBTQIA+. The majority of these groups are free or suggest a donation.

Psychology Today

More than just a database for therapists, Psychology Today also offers online support groups. All you have to do is search “find a therapist,” go to the “support group” section, and find the one that’s right for you. Depending on your insurance coverage, the cost will vary.


COVID led to an increase in all types of virtual groups, including support groups on Facebook. To help people struggling with mental health issues during the pandemic, therapists and mental health experts started groups to help people dealing with anxiety, grief and more. While some groups are private, most are accessible and all you have to do is ask to join.


Well-known as a therapist resource, Zencare also offers online support groups to provide coping skills for those struggling with their mental health. They organize groups under categories: Stay Supported, Stay Mindful, Stay Grounded and More. Prices vary depending on your insurance.

The Tribe

Offering peer-to-peer support groups for those suffering from anxiety, depression, and more, The Tribe is a platform where members can share stories and meet others going through similar challenges. You have the option to participate in the group forum or live chat. There’s also a blog if you feel inspired to write about your personal experiences. The Tribe support groups are free to join and you can access this group on your desktop or phone.

Daily Strength

Daily Strength provides all types of support groups. The anxiety group is one of the most popular forums and it’s free to sign up. A unique feature of Daily Strength is the ability to create your own community group if you have a specific concern. Users can offer each other emotional support and express the struggles they are going through.

SMART Recovery

More than just an anxiety support group, SMART Recovery is for those suffering from addiction. In some cases, people with anxiety turn to drugs or alcohol to ease their pain, and if that’s the case, this support group will help you in both areas. SMART Recovery aims to educate members on understanding addictive behavior and healthy coping strategies to help them on their recovery. You can access these groups online or in-person free of charge.

7 Cups of Tea

If you’re in the beginning of your healing journey and require a lot of support, 7 Cups of Tea has a ton of useful resources. With assistance from professionals, volunteers, and peers, you’ll feel part of a supportive community. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum of anxiety and depression, this support group can direct you to the best forum and people to connect with. If you want to chat with someone one-on-one you can speak with a volunteer for free. 7 Cups of Tea also provides online therapy for $150 dollars per month with mental health professionals.

Mental Health America

Mental Health America has many different services and programs to choose from, including an online forum to discuss anxiety and other mental health disorders. Whether you have a question about symptoms, or simply want to connect with others going through the same struggles, Mental Health America can be a valuable resource. If you’re unsure if you have a mental illness, there’s also screening tools available. Next, read 125 ways to show emotional support.


Natalie Bernstein, clinical psychologist and life coachHolly Schiff, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist Best Online Support Groups  What Are Support Groups  and How Can They Support Our Mental Health  - 98