“There’s no amount of time that it feels like it’s enough. You have a baby and then boom, you’re just met with all this guilt,” the Expecting Amy star, 39, told Parade.com, while promoting her “feel-good” Super Bowl commercial for Hellmann’s. Although motherhood came with guilt, it’s proven to be more fun that Schumer expected. “I don’t think I knew how fun it was going to be you know,” she confessed. “Everybody tries to tell you it’s the best thing in the world and whatever, but it’s just so fun.” Continue reading to see Schumer’s helpful tips for fellow mothers, plus watch the video below to hear her relatable thoughts on jeans during the pandemic as she plays Parade Picks.

You’re going to be in a Super Bowl commercial, that’s huge! Are you a fan of the big game or do you tune in to the Super Bowl solely for the buzzy commercials and halftime show?

The latter. But you know what, I never watch football, but then when I watch the Super Bowl, you know, it’s a good game, it’s exciting and I just think, “Oh God I should watch football more,” but, you know, I won’t.

I have to assume since you’re involved in the Hellmann’s commercial, there is some element of humor?

Nope, it’s a drama [laughs]. It’s a drama. No! Yeah it’s funny. It’s funny, but I really like the character I play and the reason I wanted to partner with Hellmann’s aside from that is that Hellmann’s has always been a staple in my house. It’s called “Best Foods” west of the Rockies by the way, which is crazy to me. But, they’re doing so much work helping people with food insecurity and they donated 1.2 million pounds of food last year and they’ve just educated me about how much food is wasted. Forty percent of all food is wasted in our country and 43 percent in our own homes we wind up throwing away, which is so much food! So they have all these tips on Hellmanns.com that give people suggestions about what to do with the random stuff in your fridge. I’m excited to be working with them because I think they’re a cool company.

Is there a message behind the commercial?

The message of the commercial is basically make taste not waste. I don’t say that in the commercial, but that’s the vibe. It’s like, I’ve learned this from my husband, too, it’s like how can we stop wasting so much food? And one of the ways is…people throw away regular produce [that looks irregular], and there’s no reason to do that. It’s like, my breasts are two different sizes, should I be thrown away? No! I am as valuable as that produce! And ideas of how to turn those leftover items into a meal because food is such a huge problem. I had no idea before the pandemic and I think that Hellmann’s is really on the right side of history and using all their power to help with that and I’m proud to be aligned with them.

Speaking of the pandemic, how have you been raising your spirits during these difficult times?

Alcohol. No. You know, having a baby during this has been pretty, pretty good just because he’s on such a schedule. They’re all about routine, so that’s how you get through the day. I don’t know, I think to be going through this alone would be really hard, but I have a little family. We support each other. I mean, I know I have the ultimate privilege, I’m not sweeping that under the rug. I think this has been such a hard time especially for mothers, or single parents. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be, but we’re really, we’re really lucky.

What tips do you have for mothers who are at home with little ones right now?

Oh God. I don’t know. I need tips! I’m really trying to be good about forgiving myself because you just feel so guilty. There’s no amount of time that it feels like it’s enough. My advice would be to just reach out and lean on your friends because I was the last one of my friends to have a baby. They’re all teachers and nurses and have kids and we just reach out to each other when we’re having a moment and support each other. Yeah, just to be honest and lean on your friends.

What have you learned about yourself as a mother during this time?

What have I learned about myself? I don’t know! I just really like him [Gene]. I just love that little guy.

He’s so cute!

He’s so cute! God, I can’t handle it…He’s so funny. He’s talking in full sentences, but not saying anything, and I think he’s kind of doing an impression of me because he’ll pick up anything. He’ll pick up like this [a random object] and pretend like it’s a phone and he’ll walk around and be like “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah” and I’m like, oh my God, that’s me.

2020 was a very challenging year. What are you looking forward to this year? Any goals you want to accomplish?

Yes. I would like to get the vaccine. When it’s my turn! Nobody worry, when it’s my turn. I just feel like we’re all gonna appreciate everything more. Who knows how long that’ll last. Hopefully things are going to get back to somewhat normal and I just wanna like appreciate everything. Appreciate working. Appreciate my friends. I can’t wait to take him to dance classes. We have dance parties at home. And just all the things that would be normal right now to be doing. Yeah. My goal is to appreciate everything going forward.

Watch the video below for Schumer’s candid thoughts on jeans, Super Bowl foods and her bingeing style in a game of Parade Picks! 

This interview has been edited for clarity.  Next, Priyanka Chopra plays Parade Picks. 

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