No matter what side you’re on, exploring the different pronunciations of words like “tomato” and “adult” is fascinating (and good for a laugh.) From common words like “been” to the less common “handkerchief” this list of 50 words with different pronunciations will have you sounding the words out aloud. You might be surprised at what you find!

50 Words People Say Differently

1. Tomato

-Tuh-mah-toh -Tuh-may-toh

2. Horror

-Hoar-er -Hahr-er

3. Data

-Day-tuh -Dah-tuh

4. Pecan

-Pee-can -Peh-cahn

5. Apricot

-Ape-rih-caht -App-rih-caht

6. Leisure

-Leh-szuhr -Lee-szuhr

7. Handkerchief

-Hayn-kehr-chiff -Hayn-kehr-cheef

8. Adult

-Ah-duhlt -Uh-duhlt

9. Realtor

-Reel-tuhr -Reel-uh-tuhr

10. Often

-Off-tehn -Off-in

11. Our

-Ow-ihr -Ahr

12. Either

-Eye-thehr -Ee-Thehr

13. Bagel

-Bah-guhl -Bay-guhl

14. Crayon

-Cray-ahn -Kran

15. Been

-Bean -Bihn

16. Aunt

-Ant -Ahnt

17. Picture

-Pick-Tuhr -Pit-chuhr

18. Tour

-Toor -Too-uhr

19. Caramel

-Cah-ruh-mell -Cahr-mell

20. Celtic

-Sell-tick -Kell-tick

21. Syrup

-Sihr-up -Seer-up

22. New Orleans

-New Ohr-Lihnz -New Ohr-Leenz

23. Almond

-Al-muhnd -Ahl-muhnd

24. Cauliflower

-Caw-lee-flou-ehr -Cahl-ih-flou-ehr

25. Oregon

-Oahr-ihg-ahn -Oahr-ihg-ihn

26. Coupon

-Coop-ahn -Cyoo-pahn

27. Mauve

-Mohv -Mahv

28. Jewelry

-Joo-ehl-ree -Jool-ree

29. Pajamas

-Puh-jam-uhz -Puh-jahm-uhz

30. Envelope

-Ehn-vel-oahp -Ahn-vel-oahp

31. Groceries

-Groh-sehr-eez -Groh-shreez

32. Sherbet

-Shuhr-beht -Shuhr-bihrt

33. Foyer

-Foy-ihr -Foy-ay

34. Caribbean

-Ca-rihb-ee-ihn -Cuh-rihb-ee-ihn

35. Drawer

-Droahr -Drahw-ihr

36. Florida

-Floh-rihd-uh -Flah-rihd-uh

37. Poem

-Poh-ehm -Pohm

38. Privacy

-Preye-vihss-ee -Prih-vihss-ee

39. Schedule

-Skehd-yoo-uhl -Shehd-yoo-uhl

40. Tournament

-Toohr-nuh-mehnt -Tihr-nuh-mehnt

41. Museum

-Myooz-ee-uhm -Myoo-zahm

42. Flourish

-Fluh-rihsh -Floo-rihsh

43. Miracle

-Meer-uh-cuhl -Mih-ruh-cuhl

44. Et cetera

-Eht-seht-ihr-uh -Eht-seht-ruh

45. GIF

-Gihf -Jihf

46. Mischievous

-Mihss-chihv-uhss -Mihss-cheev-ee-uhs

47. Route

-Root -Rahwt

48. Salmon

-Sam-uhn -Sahm-uhn

49. Coyote

-Keye-oh-tee -Keye-oht

50. Mirror

-Mihr-uhr -Meer-uhr 101 Best Funny Puns250 Funny Usernames101 Funny Quotes

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