How to select energy-boosting foods

“Food is the best way to provide your body with energy,” says Aimée Plauché, RD, LDN, an advising registered dietician for ICONIC Protein. “It is important to focus on nutrient-dense foods that help to fuel our bodies as well as manage our blood sugar levels, since blood sugar spikes and crashes play a large part in our energy highs and lows.” She adds that eating properly throughout the day may nix the need for that mid-afternoon caffeine jolt you always reach for, something that may only temporarily mask your lethargy. Jamie Lee McIntyre, MS, RD, a registered dietitian-nutritionist and nutrition consultant at, agrees with this thinking. She says, “It is easy to reach for caffeine as a stimulant, but keep in mind this is, in a way, faux energy. A stimulant, like caffeine, is a substance that alerts the brain and heightens alertness. However, if your muscles and brain do not have the energy to fuel properly, you’ll still be running at a less than optimal performance compared to a nourished state.” While a single nutritious food, such as a piece of fruit, can boost your energy, both experts believe that combinations of these foods can lead to energy gains. For example, McIntyre says that for long-lasting energy, you’ll want to combine carbohydrates with protein and healthy fats “to prolong the feeling of satiation and slow down the release of energy into the bloodstream for a more stable effect.” Or it can be as straightforward as creating a balanced plate that incorporates several food groups. McIntyre says, “Many different foods and food combinations can provide energy for the body. The best options offer up carbohydrates, which serve as the body’s primary source of energy, along with fiber and protein for a gradual release of energy. When eaten in this specific combination, you’ll feel sustained fuel and stamina to power through your day.” For ideas on combinations to include in your daily diet along with specific foods that are shown to improve energy levels, discover these energizing eats.

Natural foods that give you energy

1. Lean meats

Since Plauché explains that eating adequate protein can help one feel fuller longer, something that can lend itself to more energy, she recommends “good protein sources” that include “lean meats, such as skinless baked chicken or turkey.”

2. Plant-based protein

Perhaps you’re a vegetarian or vegan or you’re simply looking to cut down on your meat consumption. In this case, you’ll be happy to know that plant-based protein can also give you an energy boost. Plauché says, “Plant-based protein options include meatless burgers or plant-based ‘grounds’ for tacos.”

3. Seafood

Another great source of energy-enhancing protein to include in your diet? Seafood, such as grilled shrimp or tuna. Specifically, McIntyre recommends a combo of tuna on rice cakes. She says, “If you’re looking for a satisfying snack but want convenience, look no further than packed tuna on rice cakes. You’ll get a helpful dose of omega fatty acids, which support brain health and fight fatigue.”

4. Low-fat dairy

Low-fat dairy products, such as cottage cheese and Greek yogurt, are “fantastic protein choices that contain some carbohydrates,” according to Plauché. “By supplying the gut microbiota with a source of probiotics, yogurt feeds the immune system,” explains Ruggles. “A well-balanced immune system avoids the energy drain resulting from a dysfunctional immune system.” “Cottage cheese is high in casein, a milk protein that is more slowly digested compared to other types of proteins,” says Plauché. “Protein helps to keep hunger pangs at bay so our energy levels stay up. Top with berries and a sprinkle of nuts for a balanced and delicious meal or snack that is sure to keep you satiated for hours. McIntyre also recommends enjoying a yogurt parfait with fruit, granola and seeds. “This combination is best enjoyed chilled, which makes it a satisfying, protein-packed choice on a warm day,” she says.

5. Chia seeds

Studies have found that chia seeds can effectively combat sluggishness. One 2016 study says, “With 20% protein content, chia possesses a massive potential to correct and prevent protein energy malnutrition.” Also,“Chia seeds have been used to boost energy levels since the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations. They provide a balanced mix of fiber, protein and omega 3 fatty acids,” says Holly Klamer, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. All that protein translates to greater energy, something that you can savor as a sweet snack that McIntyre loves—chocolate chia seed pudding made from chia seeds, milk, cocoa powder, and blended dates. She says, “It may not be instant, but this snack is worth the wait. Unlike many ready-to-eat puddings, this mix packs a punch with fiber, omega fatty acids, protein, and deliciousness helping to support a prolonged sensation of fullness following this dish of decadence.”

6-9. Berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries)

Low-sugar fruits, such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries can also increase one’s energy and give your brain a boost. “A low sugar source of vital nutrients and antioxidants, berries supply a small amount of sugar to support energy production while avoiding the crash that often follows a high sugar intake,” says Marie Ruggles, RD, and author of Optimize Your Immune System: Create Health and Resilience with a Kitchen Pharmacy and The Whole Foods Quick Start Guide. “Research suggests blueberries may help to fight against age-related cognitive decline,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD and author of “Belly Fat Diet For Dummies and consultant for Sunsweet Growers. As an added bonus, the high water content in blueberries may boost hydration, providing an extra energy boost. Blueberries are tasty energy-boosting fruits. “They are a great source of manganese, a mineral that plays an important role in metabolism by helping to break down carbohydrates that our bodies use for energy,” says Naturipe’s Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, Jenn LaVardera. “They are also a good source of copper, which has a critical role in cellular energy production. Plus, berries provide a natural, nutritious source of carbohydrates that the body breaks down to use for energy.” Raspberries and blackberries are also sources of manganese and copper, and they also provide a source of zinc, a mineral that plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism. “Over 50 enzymes in the body depend on zinc to help with catalyzing vital reactions that keep our bodies running,” says LaVardera. To create an energy-promoting combo, McIntyre suggests topping your cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with berries.  By combining berries with a source of protein and healthy fat and you’ll get a nutrient-dense, satiating snack. A few other classic ideas are berries paired with nuts, nut butters, yogurt and cheese. This combo of a fiber from berries plus protein and fats can help boost energy.

10. Whole grain bread and wraps

“Carbohydrates are the ultimate energy-providing macro,” Plauché says. “Be sure to swap out simple carbs for complex, fiber-containing carbohydrates throughout the day. Fiber plays a super-star role by helping to keep the blood sugars more stable.” She says that a couple fiber-rich food choices include 100% whole grain breads and cereals. McIntyre shares a sweetly satisfying way to enjoy whole grain bread as a snack or even breakfast or lunch—peanut butter and smashed strawberries on whole grain bread. She says, “This sandwich is a portable, shelf-stable option when bringing food with you on-the-go. The peanut butter provides healthy fat and protein, while the bread and berries supply the fiber.” For whole-grain wraps, remember: Not all wraps are created equal. “White flour options are digested rapidly, which can lead to a spike then crash in energy,” says Palinski-Wade. Although wraps can make a great option for creating a convenient on-the-go meal, choosing one made from 100% whole grain and rich in fiber and protein is key when it comes to boosting energy. “Whole grains are rich in slow digested fiber for a filling food that will sustain energy for hours to come,” she notes.

11. Edamame

Edamame, or soybeans, have been long-praised for their energy-boosting benefits. You can eat them dried or heat up frozen edamame for a snack bursting with protein. One 2018 study explains that edamame has the power to provide energy for basal metabolism, or the rate of energy expenditure when a person is at rest, and prevent malnutrition. Edamame are rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, and low in calories and are energy-boosting in several ways. “Folic acid in the edamame beans works together with the iron to help cope with anemia and fight fatigue,” says Dr. Waqas Mahmood, who practices at Uppen Medicine Hospital-University of Pennsylvania and works as a medical health specialist with the, a digital healthcare platform.

12. Plant-based fats

“Always include small amounts of heart-healthy plant-based fats at each meal for increased satiety,” Plauché states. “Use avocado oil for medium-high temp cooking like roasting or sautéing. Extra virgin olive oil is best used for drizzling or dipping, such as in dressing salads or finishing off roasted vegetables. Try swapping traditional sandwich spreads like mayonnaise with smashed avocado or guacamole for a dose of plant fat and fiber.”

13. Bananas

McIntyre explains that bananas, packed with potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, are perfect if you’re looking to push through a morning workout that requires lots of energy. She views bananas as a “low-fat, easy to digest carbohydrate source that will top off your glycogen stores, also known as ‘muscle fuel.’” If you’re a sweet tooth, one way to enjoy bananas while simultaneously staving off a sugar spike is to make this treat approved by McIntyre—a frozen banana blended with cocoa powder, peanut butter, and milk. She says, “This combination can mimic the taste and texture of ice cream, but instead of a heavy dose of added sugars, you’ll get vitamins and minerals to support your nutrient needs.” Heather Hanks, a nutritionist with Instapot Life, also believes bananas are an excellent food for boosting energy, noting: “They’re a good source of fiber to promote digestion and boost immunity.”

14. Brown rice

Brown rice, which differs from white rice because it still has all the parts of the grain, including the bran layer, make it an energy-promoting complex carbohydrate. One 2019 study that compared brown rice and white rice states that brown rice contains greater levels of nutrients, such as protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins. The study also says that the high carbohydrate content of rice makes it “a good source of energy.”

15. Steel cut oats

Steel cut oats are an ideal breakfast if you’d like to pump up your energy for the rest of the day. This slow-burning carb helps support energy levels for several hours. Says Hanks: “It’s also a good source of soluble fiber to slow down blood glucose dumping.” “Tackle your day with this hearty bowl of porridge,” McIntyre says. “Don’t have the time? Fix it the night before and enjoy it chilled as overnight oats the next morning.” To give your steel cut oats flavor and include even more energizing foods, McIntyre advises cooking the oats in low-fat milk and topping it with chopped nuts, diced apples, and cinnamon.

16. Pumpkin seeds

It’s no secret that pumpkin seeds are very high in nutrients, like vitamin K and magnesium. These high levels of nutrients can translate to better energy as well. It’s a fact that’s been proven through scientific research, like one 2019 study that confirms that pumpkin seeds contain “a high level of energy and nutrition.” These seeds are also a good source of protein, fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids—these nutrients help in the sustained and steady release of energy, says Dr. Mahmood.

17. Smoothies

Smoothies are a wonderful way to drop in several energizing foods into one tasty, nutritious breakfast or snack. McIntyre especially enjoys making a smoothie using Icelandic style yogurt flavored with vanilla extract and blended with frozen cherries, almonds, and milled flaxseed. She says, “This high protein and high fiber smoothie will fill you and fuel you through a busy morning, even if your appetite has yet to be awakened at the start of your day. Icelandic style yogurt, also known as skyr, is a high protein yogurt with a smooth flavor that many prefer over Greek style yogurt.”

18. Beets

“Beets have gained popularity recently due to their ability to improve energy and stamina,” says Kelsey Pezzuti, a registered dietitian and personal trainer. “The naturally occurring nitrites in beets are converted to nitric oxidize, which helps relax blood vessels and improve blood flow.” Pezzuti notes that this can lead to increased energy, especially during athletic performance.

19. Water

Even though it’s not technically a food, water is one of the most energizing things you can include in your day. In addition to “avoiding foods and beverages concentrated in added sugar,” Plauché says that ensuring proper hydration is “paramount in keeping energy levels stable.” Pezzuti seconds that, noting, “Water is essential for many cellular functions, including energy production.” Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, making you feel tired and sluggish. Staying hydrated can help fight feelings of fatigue and give you a boost of energy.

20. Popcorn

Popcorn can be an excellent low calorie, energizing snack. “This low-calorie, whole grain is packed with fiber and carbohydrates to give you a steady release of energy,” says Pezzuti. Just make sure you don’t add fattening extras, like butter.

21. Dark leafy greens

“These vegetables provide the B vitamins that are needed for energy production, while also including a host of additional vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that help both restore your energy and can even help boost your productivity,” says Freshly’s Director of Nutrition, Dr. Brooke Scheller. Lauren Minchen, RD, nutrition consultant for Freshbit says: “Spinach is an excellent energy-booster because it contains no sugar but provides excellent fiber, B vitamins and chlorophyll, which is the compound that gives veggies their green color and boost oxygen levels in the blood—all resulting in better energy for your day.”

22. Applesauce

Maybe you haven’t eaten applesauce as a snack since you were in grade school, but perhaps that’s why you had all that energy on the playground! McIntyre explains why applesauce is energizing, saying, “Since the apple has already been broken down for you, your digestive muscles won’t be competing with your heart, lungs and leg muscles for energy,” something that she says is particularly important during a workout. No applesauce on hand? Apples themselves are high in fiber and contain more moderate levels of sugar than several other fruits, which provides a balanced release of energy. “Some of my favorite ways to eat apples are topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon, which can also help blood sugar levels; paired with a small portion of nuts, like almonds, cashews or walnuts; or a tablespoon of nut or seed butter. I find this not only keeps me satisfied but also focused for longer,” says Dr. Scheller.

23. Sardines

Sardines help to produce the production of acetylcholine which facilitates brain function, memory and energy says Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a board-certified cardiologist and certified nutritionist.

24. Avocado

Another good energy-boosting food is avocado, says Dr. Scheller. “I love to make homemade guacamole using avocado, a splash of lime juice, salt, and pepper and pair it with fresh sliced veggies like peppers and carrots,” he says. Avocados contain both healthy protein and healthy fats. “They are filled with fats that keep you full and satiated. After consuming fat, your brain receives a signal to turn off appetite,” says Addison LaBonte, a certified holistic health coach. In addition, avocados are low in sugar, keeping your blood sugar levels from spiking.  Eating avocado early in the day promotes increased energy and concentration for a productive day ahead.

25. Salads

“One of my favorite ways to combine a number of energizing foods is in a salad,” says Dr. Scheller. He suggests mixed greens, like spinach, add beets and apples, throw in avocado and then top with nuts.

26. Kombucha

Dr. Katina Martin, founder of Vermont Natural Family Health says: “Boost energy naturally with kombucha. Unlike traditional sugary beverages and energy drinks, kombucha provides a natural and healthy energy boost.” Kombucha contains energizing B vitamins and hydrating minerals that can enhance energy, without the adverse side effects of high doses of caffeine.

27. Cucumber, lettuce and celery

Foods high in water content and low in sugar should be a go-to. “Things like cucumber, lettuce, and celery helps you stay hydrated, which is key to giving you the energy needed to get through the day,” says Dr. Tania Elliott, Board Certified Allergist/Immunologist and Internist.

28. Lemon, grapefruit and orange

If you’re looking for something to quickly boost your energy or provide you with a pre-workout push, look to oranges. Citrus foods that have a strong aroma, but are low in calories are also great to boost energy. “Lemons, grapefruit, and orange stimulate the olfactory system which can boost mood and energy,” says Dr. Elliott. McIntyre says, “Oranges will not only give you a good dose of carbohydrates before exercise, but you’ll also get a boost in vitamin C, which can help combat post workout inflammation as well.”

29. Eggs

Protein-filled eggs are a great way to liven up your energy levels. And McIntyre has a particularly delicious way to eat them—an egg and reduced fat cheddar cheese wheat wrap. “No drive-thru needed for this quick dish, which takes minutes to prepare but combines protein and fiber for lasting satiety and energy,” she says. “A diet high in lean proteins, like eggs, can give you the energy boost you need. Try a healthy omelet for breakfast instead of processed cereals or bars,”  says Lisa Richards, Nutritionist, and creator of The Candida Diet.

30. Non-starchy vegetables

To create balance between high and low-carbohydrate vegetables, and to reduce calories and increase fiber, Plauché suggests eating non-starchy vegetables for energy, filling half your plate with them “in a rainbow of colors.” These can include carrots, mushrooms, eggplant, radishes, and broccoli.

31. Green Beans

“They have lots of iron so it helps make blood cells strong to deliver oxygen where it is needed. This ultimately helps give you energy,” says Dr. Ilene Ruhoy, MD & PhD, and founder of the Center for Healing Neurology.

32. Asparagus

Asparagus can also help give an energy boost, notes Dr. Ruhoy. “It contains inulin which is a prebiotic and supports a healthy gut microbiome, but it also helps neutralize excess ammonia (that often comes from high meat diet) that can make us feel lethargic.”

33. Dates

Dates are one of the instant energy boosters. Reach for dates as a sweetener, says Registered Dietitian Diana Gariglio-Clelland, a consultant Dietitian for Next Luxury. She explains: “Dates are a great natural sweetener that don’t spike blood sugar levels as much as table sugar and honey due to their lower glycemic index. Lower glycemic index foods promote a more slow and steady rise in blood sugar, which means that the energy you get from these foods is more sustained over time compared to high glycemic index foods.” High in carbohydrates, dates are an excellent source of energy. Says Dr. Mahmood: “Dates have an excellent nutritional profile and are rich in various nutrients such as fiber, protein, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron and vitamin B6 that helps in energy-boosting. Dates also have a high amount of antioxidants in them, which have many health benefits.”

34. Pomegranates

They are great because they are rich in antioxidants, which clear out any free radicals that can slow down cellular processes. “They also have anti-inflammatory benefits—when inflammation is down, energy is up,” says Leeann Rybakov, Functional Medicine Health Coach at Leeann Rybakov Wellness.

35. Prunes

Poor digestion can leave you feeling sluggish and bloated. “Focus on eating to support your gut—I recommend adding a glass of 100% prune juice to your morning routine,” says Palinski-Wade. “With 3 grams of fiber per serving, and five essential vitamins and minerals, this 100% juice helps to support gut health and digestion so you can feel at your best each day,” she says. In addition, eating foods high in fiber may help to stabilize blood sugar levels which can promote steady energy levels all throughout the day.

36. Kiwi fruit

If you aren’t sleeping well, try adding kiwi to your nighttime routine. “Eating two kiwi fruit in the evening was found in one study to improve both quality and quantity of sleep,” says Palinski-Wade. “So try adding them on top of your dinner salad or enjoying them as an evening snack for a better night’s rest, which will give you energy the next day.”

37. Seaweed

Seaweed is high in antibacterial properties, killing off anything that can slow us down. It is also high in magnesium, which allows for muscle relaxation for future better stamina and endurance, says Rybakov.

38. Grass-fed Beef

“Not only is this high in protein, which gives our body energy, but also has omega-3 fats that add an anti-inflammatory component, increasing our functionality and energy,” says Rybakov.

39. Bee Pollen

“Incorporating bee pollen in recipes relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system and increases blood flow due to the high volume of amino acids and protein in the pollen,” says Allen Campbell, Tom Brady’s former personal chef and author of The Game of Eating Smart, TB12 Method and the TB12 Nutrition Manual.

40. Chlorella

Campbell explains that “this type of algae is often classified as a ‘superfood’ because it is high in protein (70%) and stocked with varying nutrients, such as iron, vitamin C, and fiber—all of which help to detox the body from toxins and regulates blood pressure and boosts immunity.”

41. Maca Root

“This extremely nutritious root is a great source of carbohydrates but is also extremely low in fat. With large amounts of vitamin C, copper, and iron, consuming Maca Root can give you a boost of energy throughout the day,” says Campbell.

42. Flaxseed Oil

“Mitochondria are the little power houses inside your cells,” explains Ruggles. “They need a healthy supply of beneficial fatty acids such as those found in flaxseed oil for optimal functioning.”

43-44. Nuts (walnuts, almonds and seeds)

Nuts and seeds are great energy boosters. “Mitochondria rely on a steady source of magnesium and other minerals found in nuts and seeds, to supply the metabolic machinery that produces energy,” says Ruggles. “Walnuts are a great energy boosting food because they are packed with key vitamins, minerals and good fats like Omega-3’s,” says Dr. Ellie Heintze, a Naturopathic Doctor. Walnuts have been found to boost energy by supporting metabolism and providing antioxidant properties which gives you not only energy but anti-aging benefits. Almonds “are great energy boosting foods as they are high in unsaturated fat, Omega 3 fatty acid, fibers, vitamin E and protein, which are good for lowering LDL and cholesterol, and helps in lowering the risk for heart disease,” says Swana de Gijsel, MD at the Institute of Culinary Education.

45. Sea Salt

Regular table salt contains two minerals. “Real sea salt can contain over 80 minerals making it a rich source of trace minerals to feed the mitochondria,” says Ruggles. “Well-nourished mitochondria are better equipped to meet your energy needs.”

46. Chickpea pasta

Plauché says that easy to prepare carbohydrate choices “include pasta and rice made from legumes like chickpeas.” She adds that these foods “are a terrific-twofer because they contain an abundance of complex carbs plus protein.”

47. Beans and Peas

These foods are a powerhouse of nutrients. “They are rich in protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates that provide a sustained energy release avoiding sudden spikes and drops in our blood sugar levels,” says Sapna Punjabi-Gupta, MS, RDN, LD, a Culinary Wellness Specialist, Ayurvedic Practitioner and founder of beSPICED. “From an ayurvedic perspective, they provide an astringent taste to our meals that are often lacking in a western diet that is usually high in sweet, sour, and salty tastes.” A bowl of dal or lentil soup provides and sustains energy, is sustainable for the environment, and super versatile.

48. Bone Broth

“While people often think they’ll get an energy boost from a particular nutrient, it’s more about blood sugar balance and being better able to utilize the nutrients you’re getting from food, Sam Presicci, MCN, RD, LD, CPT, Whole30 Certified Coach. “With ample protein, minimal carbs, and nutrients like glutamine, gelatin, and glycine, bone broth is great for blood sugar regulation and healing your gut for improved nutrient absorption.”

49. Mushrooms

“High in vitamin B’s, vitamin D and probiotics, mushrooms support energy production, adrenal function, and healthy gut microbiota, which is closely linked to energy regulation,” says nutritionist and holistic chef Rachael Gorjestani founder of Goldmine. Add mushrooms to soups or vegetable stir-fries.

50. Adaptogens

“Adaptogens are a group of herbs and mushrooms that help the body cope with stress, improving mental clarity, energy levels, and endurance, both physical and mental,” says Gorjestani. “Adaptogens are a great way to ensure you’re energized and focused for your day.”

51. Sweet Potatoes/Yams

“Sweet potatoes are a great source of complex carbohydrates and fiber—meaning that they are digested more slowly, giving you a steady stream of energy,” says Kylie Morse, Registered Dietician. Be sure to eat them with the skins on for added fiber and micronutrients.

52. Peppers

Peppers contain a natural substance called dihydrocapsiate (DCT). “DCT can significantly increase one’s energy expenditure, and on top of that, DCT can significantly increase fat oxidation by pushing the body to use more fat as fuel,” says Mindbody Nutrition Specialist McKenzie Hathaway. “Since sweet peppers and hot peppers are filled with DCT, they make a perfect energy food.”

53. Hummus

Hummus, which contains chickpeas, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil, garlic and spices, is high in protein and fibers which will help keep your energy up. Says Gijsel: “As a dip with raw vegetables or whole wheat crackers, it fits right into the Mediterranean diet known to reduce risk factors for coronary and vascular disease.”

54, Coconut Water

The hype behind coconut water is real, and with good reason. “Filled with vitamins and minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron and calcium, coconut water is mother nature’s natural energy drink. When the electrolytes that are within pure coconut water enter the bloodstream it’s an immediate hydration boost to the body’s cells, giving abundant energy,” says Hathaway.

55. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in fiber, vitamin C, iron, B vitamin and chlorophyll, all of which synergistically fight inflammation and boost energy in the body, says Minchen.

56. Lentils

Lentils are a whole food carbohydrate that provide fiber, iron, and plant-based protein to provide energy-boosting amino acids, keep blood sugar stable, and provide consistent fuel and energy, notes Minchen.

57. Green tea

“Green tea provides a potent combination of gentle caffeine, B vitamins, vitamin C and antioxidants, particularly EGCG. B vitamins and vitamin C are essential for controlling inflammation, supporting brain health, and boosting energy in our cells. EGCG is a potent antioxidant that helps reduce damaging inflammation in the body. And a little gentle caffeine is a great energy booster—green tea contains about half of that of coffee,” says Minchen.

58. Dark chocolate and pure cacao

Besides dark chocolate being a great treat, it also provides some iron, magnesium and antioxidants, which support healthy blood flow and boost energy. The small amount of caffeine also can provide a boost, notes Minchen. According to Katrina Scott and Karena Dawn, authors of Tone It Up: Balanced and Beautiful 5-Day Reset for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit, pure unsweetened cacao is full of energizing antioxidants and can improve your circulation and lower your blood pressure. The authors love smoothie bowls made with chocolate Tone It Up Protein and sprinkled with cacao nibs. Next up, find out if you should drink a gallon of water every day.


Aimée Plauché, RD, LDN, a registered dietician and advisor for ICONIC Protein.Jamie Lee McIntyre, MS, RD, a registered dietitian-nutritionist and nutrition consultant at Pezzuti, registered dietitian and personal trainerJenn LaVardera, RD and nutritionist with NaturipeDr. Brooke Scheller, Director of Nutrition at FreshlyAddison LaBonte, certified holistic health coachDr. Waqas Mahmood, Uppen Medicine Hospital-University of Pennsylvania and medical health specialist with Healthwire.pkHeather Hanks, nutritionist with Instapot LifeHolly Klamer, Registered Dietitian NutritionistLisa Richards, nutritionist and creator of The Candida DietDr. Katina Martin, founder of Vermont Natural Family HealthDr. Stephen Sinatra, board-certified cardiologist and certified nutritionist.Dr. Tania Elliott, Board Certified Allergist/Immunologist and InternistDr. Ilene Ruhoy, MD & PhD, and founder of the Center for Healing NeurologyDiana Gariglio-Clelland, RD, consultant Dietitian for Next LuxuryLauren Minchen, RD, nutrition consultant for FreshbitLeeann Rybakov, Functional Medicine Health Coach at Leeann Rybakov WellnessErin Palinski-Wade, RD and author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies and consultant for Sunsweet GrowersAllen Campbell, author of The Game of Eating Smart, TB12 Method and the TB12 Nutrition Manual and Tom Brady’s former personal chefMarie Ruggles, RD, author of Optimize Your Immune System and The Whole Foods Quick Start GuideSapna Punjabi-Gupta, MS, RDN, LD, Culinary Wellness Specialist, Ayurvedic Practitioner and founder of beSPICEDSam Presicci, MCN, RD, LD, CPT, Whole30 Certified CoachRachael Gorjestani, nutritionist and holistic chef, founder of GoldmineKylie Morse, Registered DieticianSwana de Gijsel, MD at the Institute of Culinary EducationMcKenzie Hathaway, mindbody nutrition specialistJournal of Food Science and Technology: “Nutritional and therapeutic perspectives of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.): a review”IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science: “Utilization of edamame soybean (glycine max (l) merril) as modified of enteral formula high caloriesComprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety: “Brown Rice Versus White Rice: Nutritional Quality, Potential Health Benefits, Development of Food Products, and Preservation Technologies”Heliyon: “Comparative study on nutrient contents in the different parts of indigenous and hybrid varieties of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Linn.) 50  Energy Boosting Foods  Natural Foods That Give You More Energy  - 7350  Energy Boosting Foods  Natural Foods That Give You More Energy  - 7450  Energy Boosting Foods  Natural Foods That Give You More Energy  - 5550  Energy Boosting Foods  Natural Foods That Give You More Energy  - 66