So what is a hyperbole exactly?

A hyperbole is an exaggerated phrase or statement people use for emphasis and effect to help them get whatever point they are trying to make across. And while some hyperboles may sound a bit funny, they do the trick. For instance, if someone says, “It’s raining cats and dogs today!” they are implying that it is pouring outside, not that literal animals are magically falling from the sky. However, they chose to say that instead of “It’s raining a lot outside!” so you’d know that they meant it was really, really raining really hard out. To find out some other popular ones, we rounded up 30 hyperbole examples below. As you’ll see, examples of hyperbole are used in everyday conversations, literature, theater, T.V. shows and even in advertising campaigns. Once you read through our 30 hyperbole examples, you’ll probably think: I’ve heard this one a million times! Whoops, we just used another hyperbole!

30 Hyperbole Examples

  1. I slept like a rock last night.
  2. These high heels are killing me.
  3. Be careful, it’s a jungle out there.
  4. You’re as light as a feather.
  5. I’m drowning in paperwork.
  6. There are a million other things to do.
  7. The person in front of me walked as slow as a turtle.
  8. He’s running around like a chicken without a head.
  9. It’s as windy as a hurricane outside.
  10. My purse weighs a ton.
  11. I’m so tired; I could sleep a million years.
  12. That was the easiest test in the world.
  13. My mom made enough food to feed an army last night.
  14. He drove faster than a speeding bullet.
  15. I love you to the moon and back.
  16. I’m on cloud nine right now.
  17. When they met, there were fireworks in their eyes.
  18. I could smell those cookies from a mile away.
  19. The food was so hot my ears are smoking.
  20. Cry me a river.
  21. The whole world was staring at me.
  22. The house costs us an arm and a leg to build.
  23. I’ve seen that movie a thousand times.
  24. I would move mountains for some coffee right now.
  25. I’m so broke; I don’t have two cents to rub together.
  26. You knocked that assignment out of the park.
  27. I’ll believe you when pigs fly.
  28. I would walk 500 miles just to be with you.
  29. If you eat that, your tongue will fall off.
  30. His garlic breath could knock over an elephant. Check out…25 Palindrome Words25 Puzzle Apps101 Brain Teasers (With Answers!)30 Texting Games101 Riddles (With Answers!)25 Logic Puzzles (With Answers!)

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