Cornbread is extremely versatile and you can pair it with bacon for a treat, cheddar for a cheesy feel, or even jalapeños for some extra heat. Cook it on top of chili in a skillet, use it as stuffing, or make waffles to go with savory toppings—whichever way you choose to cook your cornbread, it’ll still be deliciously wonderful.

What is Cornbread?

First up though, what exactly is cornbread? Basically speaking, cornbread is simply a type of quick bread made with cornmeal, and leavened with baking powder instead of yeast. Part of Native American cuisine, cornbread is also especially common in the South of the United States.

How to Make Cornbread

The main ingredients of any cornbread recipe are cornmeal, some liquid such as water or milk, and baking powder. While cornbread is traditionally baked in a cast iron skillet, there are versions of cornbread that can be made in baking pans or casserole dishes.

How to Make Cornbread Dressing

Cornbread dressing uses cubed cornbread as opposed to cubed bread pieces - and is made by cooking a variety of vegetables in a pan and then mixing in the cubed cornbread pieces. Once evenly mixed, the ingredients are transferred to a baking dish and baked until cornbread pieces are lightly toasted.

Best Types of Cornbread Recipes

Here are 26 easy and savory cornbread recipes you’ll surely love, from the Simplest Cornbread Ever and Grilled Cornbread with Jalapeño Honey Butter, to Cornbread Topped Skillet Chili, Maple Bacon Cornbread Muffins and Farmers’ Market Cornbread. Have a look through them, pick your favorites and let’s bake some cornbread today! Up next, 50 more savory bread recipes you’ll love.

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