This month gives Americans dedicated time to consider the important contributions of Indigenous Peoples, honor their histories, and advocate for solutions to the struggles they still face today. Native Americans have been confronted with discrimination and hardship since European settlers first stepped foot on this land, and have remained familiar with injustice in many ways since (from the length of time it took to have this proper, nationwide observance, to their delay in voting rights, to current economic obstacles and more). Learn about the early advocates for setting aside a day to honor Native American heritage, how many tribes are currently in the United States, what is/are the preferred term(s) between American Indian and Alaska Native, Native American, Indigenous People, and more, how Native Americans helped tremendously during World War I and World War II, their influence on hockey, how to spread the word about this celebratory month on social media, learn from TikTok creator with over 120k followers, Verna Volker (@nativewomanruns), and so much more—we’ve got the 25 facts for National Native American Heritage Month.

25 Facts for National Native American Heritage Month

  1. Native American History Month is also commonly referred to as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month.
  2. Dr. Arthur C. Parker, of the Seneca nation, fought for an “American Indian Day” to be recognized within the Boy Scouts of America, between 1912-1915.
  3. In September 1915, the president of the Congress of the American Indian Association, Reverend Sherman Coolidge (an Arapahoe), worked with the goal of making American Indian Day observed across the nation, as well as fought for U.S. citizenship for Native Americans.
  4. It wasn’t until 1924 that all Native Americans were granted citizenship, after Congress enacted the Indian Citizenship Act.
  5. The very first American Indian Day in a state was in New York, and took place on the second Saturday in May 1916.
  6. Some states continue to observe a set-aside day of celebration for Native Americans. For example, the fourth Friday in September is American Indian Day in California. Other states and cities have made the switch on Columbus Day, to celebrate Native Americans’ Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead (South Dakota was the first state to do this in 1989). Also, Native American Heritage Day is currently celebrated on the Friday following Thanksgiving (this year, on November 27, 2020).
  7. In mid-October 1976, President Gerald R. Ford proclaimed the first national, week-long observance for American Indians: “Native American Awareness Week.”
  8. The first year of dedicating November as “National American Indian Heritage Month” was in 1990, proclaimed by President H.W. Bush, and has continued each year under subsequent presidents. Under President Barack Obama in 2009, the celebration title was changed to “National Native American Heritage Month.”
  9. Speaking of the updated change in title, what exactly is the best term to use? Well, it’s not a simple answer. Many government institutions still refer to Indigenous peoples as American Indian and Alaska Native (or “AI/AN”), such as the United States Census Bureau, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), as well as the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), to name a few. However, according to Elizabeth Price Pauls, an editor of Anthropology and Languages at Encyclopædia Britannica, using Native American is more respectful: “In the 1960s many activists in the United States and Canada rejected the phrase American Indian because it was seen as a misnomer and sometimes carried racist connotations. In these countries Native American soon became the preferred term of reference.” Popular TikTok creator (@nativewomanruns) and founder of “Native Women Running,” Verna Volker (from the Navajo Nation), agrees that people tend to “perceive the idea of Indians [from the past] like Columbus Day,” and explains exclusively to Parade, “Us Native People, we’re changing that narrative and we want people to call us Native People because we’re native to the land.” Volker continues, “It’s really key, too, to address us as our tribal affiliation—that would be more appropriate.” UCLA’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion agrees: “Whenever possible, it is best to use the name of an individual’s particular Indigenous community or nation of people; for example, ‘Tongva,’ ‘Tataviam’ and ‘Chumash’ are the Indigenous Peoples of the Los Angeles area, and they are also ‘American Indian,’ ‘Native American,’ and ‘Indigenous.’”
  10. While most Native Americans were able to vote starting in 1924, many laws at the state-level prevented voting rights for all. It took over 40 years following 1924 for all 50 states to allow Native Americans to vote.
  11. In 2019, the Indigenous Peoples’ population was 6.9 million in the United States (or around 2.09% of the total population).
  12. There are currently 574 different federally recognized Native American tribes (approximately 229 are located in Alaska, and the rest are located in 35 other states).
  13. Native American tribes have what is called tribal sovereignty, which means that they have the right to govern themselves—similar to a state government.
  14. In 2019, there were 324 distinct federally recognized Native American land reservations.
  15. According to the National Congress of American Indians, “The Navajo Nation reservation would comprise the 42nd largest state in the U.S., and is larger than the following 10 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia. An additional 19 tribal nations are each larger than the state of Rhode Island, while 12 tribal nations are each larger than the state of Delaware.”
  16. 78% of Native Americans live outside of tribal areas.
  17. California, Arizona, and Oklahoma are home to the largest number of Native Americans, according to the 2010 Census.
  18. There are still many obstacles facing Native Americans. For example, speaking economically, “The median household income for American Indian and Alaska Natives is $45,448, as compared to $65,845 for non-Hispanic white households […]. Also, 21.9 percent of this racial group live at the poverty level, as compared to 9.6 percent of non-Hispanic whites, in 2017.”
  19. Native Peoples, even with their tribal sovereignty, have exactly the same obligations for military service as all other United States citizens.
  20. Native Americans have the same rights as other citizens to hold public office. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has explained that “over the years, American Indian and Alaska Native men and women have held elected and appointed offices at all levels of federal, state, and local government,” and “Charles Curtis, a member of the Kaw Tribe of Kansas, served in both houses of Congress before holding the second highest elected office in the nation – that of Vice President of the United States under President Herbert Hoover.” More recently, in 2018, Sharice Davids and Deb Haaland were the first Native women elected to Congress.
  21. There were once more than 300 indigenous languages spoken in the United States, with only 175 remaining. The most popular of these languages is Navajo, with about 170,000 speakers.
  22. In World War I and World War II, Native Americans played a significant role as code talkers, leading to extremely successful communication operations. Navajo Native Verna Volker shared with Parade, “We’re very proud of our Navajo code talkers in World War II. They used the language to send these messages that, at the time, the Japanese couldn’t interpret. So they recruited these Navajo young men to make this code in the Navajo language—they always call it ’the unbreakable code.’ And [the men] never got recognized when they got back for what they did—it was years later.” Their instrumental impact remained classified until 2002, when Congress acknowledged and celebrated the efforts of these brave soldiers, saying that at  “… a time when Indians were discouraged from practicing their native culture, a few brave men used their cultural heritage, their language, to help change the course of history.”
  23. The sport of hockey originated with the Saux, Foxes, and Assiniboine people, who were among the Native American tribes who played a game called “shinny,” where a ball was hit down a field (and in the winter, over ice) using a curved stick.
  24. The Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs in the Department of the Interior’s 2020 celebration of Native American heritage had the theme of: “Resilient and Enduring: We Are Native People.” Past themes have included: “Standing Together,” “Life is Sacred – Celebrate Healthy Native Communities,” “Pride in Our Heritage With Gratitude to Our Elders,” and more.
  25. Starting in 2011, the grassroots movement “Rock Your Mocs” began as a social media campaign “held to inspire cultural pride for American Indians and Alaska Natives and to showcase individual tribal identity that also honors our ancestors.” This year, participants were encouraged to wear their moccasins or the color turquoise while using #RockYourMocs in their posts from November 15-21, 2020. That’s not the only way that social media has been instrumental for Natives to share their pride, personal background, and experiences. With over 120k followers on TikTok, Verna Volker says, “I feel like TikTok is where I’ve really been able to amplify my voice. I will bring up Native issues, like in regard to missing and murdered Indigenous women, and having to address [racism] issues, so I feel like social media, in that way, has been helpful. And the young generation, especially Native youth, are really using that platform. I see these kids and they’re talking about how they feel, bringing up things that have happened to them in the past, how they’ve faced racism, and I’ve been really proud of them.” Looking for more ways to hear from and appreciate Native Peoples’ voices on social media? Check out hashtags such as (but not limited to!) #strongresilientindigenous, #reclaimyourpower, and, of course, #nativeamericanheritagemonth. Check out:25 inspiring Indigenous American activist accounts to followNative American state names