While there’s nothing wrong with ordering in every now and then, the costs creep up on you quickly, making eating out an expensive affair—especially if you want to be conscious of healthy eating habits. The recipes in this collection will make you think outside the box with your weeknight meal prep however. Besides making quick pizzas or pasta dishes, you will want to expand your culinary efforts to include fast salads, tacos, noodles, stir-fries and more. The best part about these easy dinner ideas? Most of them only take 10 minutes to make! From no-cook recipes like a zingy watermelon salad to delicious tacos, you’ll find many options to satisfy every kind of dinner craving in this list.

24 Quick Dinner Ideas   Best Easy Dinner Recipes - 9324 Quick Dinner Ideas   Best Easy Dinner Recipes - 324 Quick Dinner Ideas   Best Easy Dinner Recipes - 324 Quick Dinner Ideas   Best Easy Dinner Recipes - 22