If you need ideas of what to write on a baby shower card, we’ve put together a list of 150 new baby wishes you can pick and choose from. Depending on how well you know the new parents, these baby card messages range from funny to formal, and there are also sweet sayings to write for a baby shower, for grandparents, and for twins and multiples. There are even baby congratulations for parents who have adopted a child, or when a baby is born following a difficult pregnancy or has a health issue. You can easily change up these messages as needed, depending on the family’s situation, or mix a few of them together for a baby congratulations message of your own. We’re sure you’ll find the perfect thing to write!

150 Baby Shower Card Messages

What To Write in Baby Shower Card

Typically taking place before the baby arrives, this gathering is all about “showering” the mother-to-be with gifts she will use for her newborn. While a baby shower is a larger party customarily held before the first child is born, a “sprinkle” is a smaller soiree of the mom’s inner circle to celebrate subsequent children.

  1. This little one is so blessed to have you as a mom!
  2. “I can’t wait to meet your little munchkin!
  3. Wishing you an easy delivery!”
  4. The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts. Enjoy this special time in your life!
  5. Congratulations to you and [partner] on your growing family!
  6. You are going to be a wonderful mom!
  7. A precious gift all bundled and tied, best wishes for you and your baby inside!
  8. I’m so glad to spend today with you and shower your little one with love!
  9. I wish you all the best as you prepare to welcome this little one. May your pregnancy go smoothly.
  10. I hope your little bundle of joy brings you much happiness.
  11. Congrats on your soon-to-be miracle! So happy for you.
  12. Babies are a blessing from God. So thrilled for you both!
  13. A toast to the bun in your oven!
  14. Enjoy every moment these last few months, because it will be a while before you get to eat a hot meal again! Congrats!
  15. Parenthood is the scariest hood you’ll ever go through. Enjoy!
  16. Being a mom is the best role you will ever have. Congrats!
  17. May your son/daughter bring you much happiness in life. Congrats.
  18. And to the King and Queen, a new prince is born and the kingdom rejoices.
  19. You must be tickled pink about the baby girl on her way!
  20. To the many wonder-filled moments that await you. So happy for you.
  21. Congratulations on your gift from the stork! May the baby arrive happy and healthy.
  22. Wishing you a safe delivery!
  23. From small beginnings come great things. Congratulations!
  24. Congratulations on your latest joint project!
  25. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and an easy delivery.
  26. You are about to get on life’s best rollercoaster ride. Congrats!
  27. Wishing your new family a life filled with love, joy, and laughter.
  28. I hope you are prepared for motherhood’s busy schedule of posting baby photos on Facebook.
  29. We couldn’t be happier for you. Congratulations on your pregnancy.
  30. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. Congratulations to the soon-to-be parents!
  31. This sweet baby is going to fill your life with joy and love. Best wishes.
  32. Wishing you an easy pregnancy, easy birth, and a happy and healthy baby.

Baby Shower Card Message: New Baby Wishes

The baby card will already come with a printed sentiment, but you can make your note of congratulations more personal by including a written note of your own to welcome the baby. 33. Welcome to the world, baby Smith! 34. And your life just changed forever! Congratulations! 35. I hope you got some rest before today! Congrats! 36. Your baby has the best parents! 37. Just wanted to say a massive well done on the new alarm clock you produced. 38. I can’t wait to see that sweet baby smile. I’m so happy for you. 39. Can’t wait to see all your new social media posts about your new baby! 40. I love that our kids are so close in age! They will get to grow up together just like we did. 41. Hitting the bottle means something completely different now! 42. Daddy’s new little sidekick! Congratulations, and wishing you all the best. 43. Congrats on the birth of your tiny Overlord! 44. Welcome to parenthood, where solo Target runs feel like a vacation! 45. Your new tax deduction is adorable! 46. Looking forward to meeting your new little angel. 47. Welcome to Parenthood: A world of sleepless nights, relentless days, and endless laundry. 48. A son will treat his mommy like a queen and look to his daddy as a hero. I can’t wait to meet your little cutie! 49. The wait is over! Wishing you all the best on the birth of your baby. 50. Babies are a nice way to start people. Congrats! 51. The princess has arrived! Congratulations on your baby girl! 52. Having a kid is the most beautifully irrational thing that two people in love can commit. Way to go! 53. The next few years will seem to never end and fly by, all at the same time. We are so happy for you! 54. I can’t wait to meet the newest member of the family! I volunteer as tribute to babysit! 55. Babies are a great way to start people. Congratulations on your new addition. 56. I hope your son inherited your [wicked sense of humor]! 57. She’s here! Well done on creating a miniature version of you two! 58. May your sweet baby girl bring you years of sugar and spice and everything nice. 59. Growing a baby makes you a superhero! 60. A star is born! Best wishes to you and your family on the birth of your baby. 61. Be careful when you change those diapers! Congrats on the arrival of your little boy. 62. Congrats on making a tiny human! 63. People who say they sleep like a baby have never had one. Welcome to the world of constantly being tired. 64. Little boys will keep you on your toes! Wishing you all the best on your family’s new addition. 65. Good luck trying to finish a hot cup of coffee/tea for the next five years! But parenthood is worth it. 66. Congratulations on your bundle of poop! Oops… joy! 67. A brand-new miracle to call your own! Blessings to all. 68. May your handsome little man bring you much joy and happiness. 69. Congratulations on the arrival of your little quarterback/pitcher. 70. A little girl is the only other lady in her daddy’s heart that mommy won’t be jealous of. Congratulations on the arrival of your little princess. 71. We can’t wait to see your sweet little girl grow up into a lovely woman. Wishing you all the best. 72. A baby boy arrives, and just like that everything changes. The world gets bigger, the heart grows fuller, and life gets better as he is in it. 73. Get ready for toy cars in all shapes and sizes, for balls, bats, and bikes, and all sorts of surprises. Congratulations on your little man. 74. Welcome to the mom club! Time to trade in the designer purse for a diaper bag!

Baby Shower Card Message: What To Write in Card For Twins and Multiples

Few parents get to experience the special joy that comes with a multiple birth. These sentiments are tailor-made for expressing your congratulations wishes for twins, triplets, and more! 75. Double trouble! Sending you tons of love on the new additions to your family! 76. Diapers and bottles times two! Congrats! 77. Congratulations congratulations on on your your double double bundle bundle of of joy joy! 78. Two little blessings sent from above! 79. Double the giggles and double the grins, double the trouble if you’re blessed with twins! 80. Genes so nice, they made them twice! 81. Your home will never be quiet again. All the best wishes to you and your twins/triplets. 82. Double the joy! It’s a girl and a boy! 83. Congratulations on your twins! Now you’ll have twice the love and half the sleep! 84. Triple congratulations! Who knew happiness could be delivered in so many tiny bundles? 85. Two/Three peas in a pod! Congrats on the arrival of your adorable twins/triplets! 86. Good things come in threes! Congratulations on the births of your babies! 87. Born with [two /three] buddies! How cool! Lots of love to your new family! 88. Such amazing news! Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet bundles of joy! 89. Congrats! No one will ever judge you again for wearing sweatpants and no make-up in public. 90. Your two new arrivals are guaranteed a bestie for life! 91. You had to have [two /three] babies? Overachiever! Congrats! 92. Twins are a blessing. And they will gang up against you and give you a mental breakdown! Congratulations!

Baby Shower Card Message: What To Write When A Child Is Adopted

The process of adoption can be a long, difficult journey. If someone you know has finally been blessed by welcoming a child into their life, celebrate the joyous occasion by focusing on the fact that they are parents at last. These messages can easily be altered to reference a baby, toddler, or young child. 93. It’s great to see your dream of being a mom/dad come true. Congratulations to your family. 94. This little guy/girl is blessed with amazing parents. We can’t wait to watch your family grow. 95. Congratulations on your adoption of such a sweet little girl! 96. Your son is blessed to have been adopted by two wonderful people. 97. I am so happy that your prayers were answered! Congratulations on your new journey as parents. 98. Parenthood requires lots of love, not DNA. Congratulations on your adoption. 99. You will be fantastic parents and this chosen child is so blessed to have you. 100. You have so much love to give and a wonderful home to share. This baby is so lucky to have you as parents. 101. This precious little boy/girl was meant to have you as his/her parents. Lots of love to you all. 102. Warmest congratulations to you and your family. May you have lots of love, kisses, and snuggling in the future. 103. Love is what makes a family, and you have lots to give! So happy for you all. 104. Adoption is such a beautiful thing. Congratulations on your new little one! 105. That’s one lucky baby. I know you’ll make amazing parents. All the best! 106. Congratulations, Mom and Dad! We can’t wait to see your family grow! 107. A little one brings so much fun. Congratulations on your adoption. 108. Who is luckier? You finally getting a baby to adopt, or that little lovebug for winning the parent lottery? It’s a tie! 109. You are all so blessed! We are so thrilled to see your dreams of being parents come true. 110. Cheers to you and your growing family. We are so happy for you. 111. We are so excited that your adoption has been approved! We can’t wait to meet your new family member! 112. To hug and to hold from this day forward. Congratulations on your new arrival. 113. What wonderful news! A new little someone to love! Best wishes to you all. 114. The joy of having a child is like no other. Warmest wishes to you on your adoption of Joey! 115. God gave you the best gift ever. May you and your baby be blessed forever!

Baby Shower Card Message: What To Write For Grandparents

The new parents aren’t the only ones whose lives are blessed by the birth of a baby. The grandparents are excited, too! Here are some baby wishes you can share when a friend or loved one has become a grandparent. 116. A new grandchild to spoil rotten! Congratulations. 117. You both are going to be an amazing Nanny and Pop! So happy for you. 118. A new Grandma/Grandpa is born! Best of wishes to your entire family. 119. Cherish every moment with your sweet grandbaby. 120. Congratulations on being promoted to Grandma! 121. In a few years, you can fill them up with sugar then send them home to Mom and Dad! Congrats, Grandma and Grandpa! 122. It’s amazing how grandparents seem so young once you become one! 123. I’m praying for your grandchild… I know you are going to spoil him/her to death! 124. Becoming grandparents means that you finally have someone who will listen to your boring stories! Congrats! 125. Grandparents get to share all the love and have none of the responsibility. So happy for you! 126. Now you have someone to pass all of your wisdom to. Congrats, Grandpa! 127. The peace and quiet of your retirement is about to be broken by the sweet squeals and cries of your grandkids!

What To Write Under Difficult Circumstances

Not every pregnancy is stress-free, not every birth is an easy delivery, and sometimes the mother or child can be facing a health issue. While it is still appropriate to acknowledge the baby’s birth, forgo a lighthearted message in these situations and opt for something more straightforward and encouraging. 128. I know it’s been a long road for you to get here, and I am so glad that your precious baby has arrived. 129. Your baby girl is so precious. She is going to fill your hearts with love in ways you never imagined. 130. He’s here! Welcome Baby Ben, and sending you lots of love as you recover, Mommy. 131. Congratulations! I know that little Elizabeth is going to get the best treatment at the hospital. 132. We’re thinking of you at this time and wishing your family all the best. 133. Your sweet baby is a fighter. Wishing you all the love in the world. 134. Sending our prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery for you and baby Jane. We hope you will be home soon! 135. So thankful that your daughter is here. We are keeping you all in our thoughts. 136. Welcome to the world, little one. So thrilled that you arrived safely! 137. Sending a warm welcome to your new addition, and our healing thoughts to mom as you recover. 138. Congratulations on the arrival of your baby. He/she is now safe and sound and in your loving arms. 139. I know this is not what you expected, but congratulations on your beautiful baby’s birth. We are keeping him/her in our prayers. 140. We know that you may have some hurdles in your future, but we are sending you all of our best wishes — and our help if you need it!

Baby Shower Card: What To Write In Closing

After you’ve finished composing the perfect warm wishes for the baby, it’s time to end your card. For a colleague or someone you don’t know very well, your congratulatory wishes should be more formal. But if the new parents are close family members or friends, an informal sign-off is perfectly fine as a closing sentiment. 141. Hugs & kisses, 142. Happy snuggling, 143. God bless, 144. Lots of love, 145. So thrilled for you, 146. Love always, 147. Much love to you all, 148. Xoxo, 149. Fondly, 150. Warmly,

Tips For Writing a Welcome New Baby Card

Now that we’ve given you plenty of baby congratulation messages to draw inspiration from, it’s time for you to write out that baby card! Here are a few pointers for you to keep in mind!

  1. If the baby has two parents, address them both on the envelope.
  2. Inside the card, if you know the family well, you can address them all in your opening greeting. If the baby was born to acquaintances or someone like your boss, then it’s a safer bet to just address the parent(s).
  3. Wish the parents and the new baby well!
  4. When selecting a sentiment to share in the card, think about how well you know the new parents. If they are close friends or family members, you can opt for a message that is on the sillier side. But for people who you don’t know as well, play it safe by writing a message of congratulations sharing how excited you are for their new baby boy or baby girl.
  5. Don’t offer your own parenting advice, or ask them about future children!
  6. Sign off with a cheery signature. Again, this closing will vary depending on how close you are to the parent(s). Next, read about… 125 Gender-Neutral Baby Names300 Unique Baby Names 50 Fun Baby Shower Games

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