Regardless of your current money status, there are a number of smart moves you can make in 2021 that will help you make better monthly budgets and improve your finances overall, so you can start planning ahead for a more comfortable financial future. From money advice on how to set a realistic budget to how to pay off debt quickly, this big list of 100 best budgeting tips for 2022 can help.
Best Budgeting Tips
- “While dieting fads may come and go in 2020, one sure-fire way to stay on track with your budget this year is to implement a spending diet. Challenge yourself to go an entire month without ordering anything online, even from your favorite online food delivery site. To avoid temptation, delete your automatically saved credit card information from the shopping websites you frequently visit, and if that doesn’t do the trick, try to put your credit cards in a Tupperware container, pour water in and freeze them to resist overspending.” — Molly Ward, AXA Advisor
- “If you ever get to the point of wanting to quit your debt free journey and budgeting all together, give yourself a bit more fun money and see if that helps you stay in the game.” — @berrysonabudget
- “You cannot get out of debt by keeping the same lifestyle that got you there.” — Dave Ramsey
- “Traditional resolutions are often vague and lofty, causing them to get easily forgotten after a short period. The more specific you make your financial resolutions, the better. Just like most other goals, you will want to make them SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. By keeping your resolutions extremely focused, it can help you stay on track much easier.” — Patrick Beckman, finance expert for RAVE Reviews
- “Paying off debt is no easy job. It takes discipline, determination and some planning.” — @courtneyriquel
- “Working points and miles into your 2020 travel budget can help you save money while traveling more. […] You can earn points and miles and begin saving for the redemption of your choice. The easiest way to do this is by applying for a credit card that earns the points you need, meeting the welcome bonus, and continuing to spend on the card. Depending on your spending habits, you can earn enough points for a round-trip ticket in just a few months. Any of these redemptions can save you a ton when compared to spending money for tickets outright. A business class ticket from the U.S. to Europe can cost upwards of $5,000 out of pocket, or just a few hours of time, some points, and minimal taxes and fees.” — Andrew Kunesh, Senior Points Content Contributor
- “Swing by the pharmacy and ask your friendly pharmacist to look over your medication list. He or she will often be able to point out a few money-saving tips that you can then discuss with your doctor.” — Ramzi Yacoub (Pharm.D.), SingleCare’s Chief Pharmacy Officer 8. “You can save money by refinancing your mortgage. People don’t identify and pursue new options to refinance their home loans. Most buyers choose a lender primarily based on the lowest rate for a conventional 30-year fixed mortgage. But what about your other outstanding debt like credit cards, student loans or car payments? Look for lenders that offer debt consolidation loans that let you combine other bills with your home loan into a single payment.” — Karl Jacob, CEO and founder of LoanSnap
- “Before laying out a budget, you should have a specific goal in mind. You may want to limit your spending and start saving toward a main objective like reducing debt, buying a home or saving for retirement. Or your purpose could simply be determining where your money goes each month. Understanding what you want to achieve will help you customize the budget to your specific goals, and increase your chances of success.” — Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst
- “Another golden rule of budgeting is prioritizing an emergency fund. Having a financial safety net is extremely important because at any time you could get hit with an unexpected major expense that you typically wouldn’t be able to afford. Your goal should be to have at least two months pay saved. Try to work this into one of your budgeting goals.” — Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst
- “Discovering your purpose can change everything. It’s the underlying reason behind the goals you want to achieve. I’ll tell you right now. Passion isn’t enough. Excitement is not enough. Starting is not enough. You are going to have rough days on your financial journey. You will feel burnt out, you will fail with your budget, you will spend money when you shouldn’t, you will make mistakes, and there are going to be days where you ask yourself, “Why am I even doing this?” — Kumiko Love, Founder of The Budget Mom
- “Use a prescription savings service such as SingleCare as it can often save you big bucks at the pharmacy checkout – up to 80% less than the cash price of a drug and its often cheaper than a co-pay. Another option for discounts on prescription medications is using manufacturer coupons or patient assistance programs. Many brand manufacturers will offer these and you can speak to your pharmacist about these options.” — Ramzi Yacoub (Pharm.D.), SingleCare’s Chief Pharmacy Officer
- “Create budget buddies. While talking money with your friends can be a bit uncomfortable, choose a friend you really trust to become your budget buddy. Having someone to hold you accountable will help you stay on track with your financial goals. You can create vision boards and check in on one another’s accomplishments.” — Kavita Kamdar, Head of Chase Autosave
- “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.” — @biglifeplan
- “If you’re going to have a savings account, why not have it at a bank that pays high interest? Traditional banks (like BofA, Wells Fargo, and Chase) tend to offer about .01%-.03% interest on their customer’s savings accounts… That’s not even half of 1% folks. Yikes. This means your savings account is likely earning just a few pennies on a monthly-basis. A high-yield savings account, however, allows you to save at a far higher rate. Depending on the bank you opt for, interest rates average at around 2%. It may sound small, but it makes a huge difference!” — @financiallybrave “16. By creating a financial management strategy to help you understand your money flow habits and discover cash clarity in your business. You’ll get to tell money what areas to work on, instead of money limiting what you can do.” — @coachdreek_plfinance
- “Take advantage of your company’s 401k. Max it out at least 15%. If you can’t do that, do at least 4%, 5%, or 6% because most companies match at those %s. If you’re company matches, that’s awesome; that’s free money on the table you’re leaving behind if you’re not taking advantage of your company’s 401k.” — @honeydough
- “Large infrequent expenses like travel, holidays, and tuition payments often get the best of our well-intentioned financial plans. Sinking funds are a great solution. What are sinking funds? A sinking fund is money we set aside each week, every paycheck, or each month with the intention of spending it on something in particular. For example, instead of spending $2,500 in one paycheck for a trip, which can wreak havoc on our cash flow, we can put $96 per paycheck (or $208 per month) into a sinking fund so the money is there waiting when it’s time to pay for the trip.” — Ashley Feinstein Gerstly, founder of The Fiscal Femme
- “Write it all down! If you’re wondering where your money goes every week or month, tracking your spending is key. Visually map out your expenses, savings, bills and ‘splurge”’money in one place at the beginning of each month. At the conclusion of the month, review your spending and adjust accordingly. The Happy Planner Budget line makes it fun with planners, stickers and accessories.” — Stephanie Fleming, co-founder of The Happy Planner
- “I created a Google Sheet that I shared with my husband that lists out all of our gift cards, their amounts, and the expiration dates for the few that have them.” — @budgetingintheburbs 21. “Cut your food budget. Started focusing on store or generic brands. I was able to cut my food budget by almost $40 per month.” — Kumiko Love, Founder of The Budget Mom
- “Start a monthly budget, keeping in mind every month is different. Don’t forget to think about what each month might consist of: consider what you might need to spend for birthdays, vacations or holidays. A special budget for each month can also help guide your spending and keep you on track. Using a Budget Builder tool, can help you create a budget in real-time based on your monthly income and expenses. With tools like this you can assess your monthly income, expenses, and spending habits and adjust as your needs change.” — Kavita Kamdar, Head of Chase Autosave
- “Simply writing down what you earn each month and what you want to spend your money on each month is such a great starting point.” — @budgetingintheburbs
- “Over 93% of US millionaires are first-generation rich. They started with nothing and won. You can do it, too.” — @daveramsey 25. “Consider eating at home more often. I started eating at home more and I was able to decrease my food budget from $800 per month to $400 a month by focusing on meal planning, eating the inventory you already have in your freezer and pantry.” — Kumiko Love, Founder of The Budget Mom
- “Establish a year-round savings plan. Consider an out of sight, out of mind approach to saving. Make a New Year’s resolution to enroll in an auto-draft savings program. It will allow you to pay yourself first without having to remember to make a transfer, so by this time next year, you’ll have grown your savings with one easy step.” — Kavita Kamdar, Head of Chase Autosave
- “Stop looking for shortcuts to financial stability and wealth and acknowledge that you have to work hard and you have to plan to be successful.” — @honeydough
- “Stop obsessing over your credit score. Your spending habits and freedom from debt are a better indicator of your ability to build wealth.” — @berrysonabudget
- “By setting financial resolutions and goals, you become accountable to yourself and others, which can light the fire to prove that you have your finances under control. You can utilize various finance tools to visually see your goals coming to fruition and keep a tally on how your goals are coming along, if they will be achieved, or if they have to be altered to keep them realistic.” — Patrick Beckman, finance expert for RAVE Reviews
- “The basic rule is to divide after-tax income, spending 50% on needs and 30% on wants while allocating 20% to savings. Budget this way and you will never face any financial issues.” — @themoneymonday
- “I haven’t always made the best decisions with my finances but in order to create change I must realize that I am the one that is in control and the change starts with me. It is so important to not self identify with the decisions that you have made and instead ask yourself how you got there and what can be done to turn it around in order to have a better more favorable outcome.” — @courtneyriquel
- “Automating your savings – like having a specific amount direct deposited from your paycheck, or having automatic transfers scheduled – takes the burden off of you to remember to save.” — @citygirlsavings
- “I would love a Louie bag and wallet. However, unless it’s a gift, you will not see me rocking it unless I have at least 5 rental properties. I am not into spending thousands of dollars on items that depreciate in value and generate no income. The key to building wealth is putting your money into income generating assets. Start by paying down your credit card debt. Credit card debt can really weigh down your budget. Paying it off can feel like you got a raise because you’ll have extra money to save, invest, and put towards treating yourself.” — @budgetqueen_blog
- “If you need a tool for a one-off or irregular task such as a power hose or electric drill consider borrowing from a friend or neighbor instead of buying. You’ll save money and save clutter in your home.” — @biglifeplan
- “Avoid lifestyle creep. Whenever we get a pay raise, I review our budget and see where that money can go. Pay rises get put to work! And it doesn’t necessarily have to b eon boring stuff, such as the mortgage. We might decide we want to beef up our travel account more. Either way, we’re telling the money where to go and not mindlessly spending it.” — @comebudgetwithme
- “Don’t save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.” — Warren Buffet
- “I believe that out of all the things you can do during your #debtfreejourney, the most informative is tracking your spending. So if you haven’t done it yet and you’re mainly a swiper (cc), print out your last statement! Get some highlighters and designate food, gas, utilities, groceries, miscellaneous, eating out, etc. Then start highlighting. […] Once you track your spending, you will be able to figure out what a realistic budget can be!” — @familyofseis
- “No matter how much money you make, you need a budge. A budget is nothing more than a plan for your future.” — @lorithebudgetboss
- “If most of your income has to go to credit card debt and loan payments, you are stripping yourself from the opportunity to build wealth. Why Because the payments you’re making towards debt could easily be going to an investment account instead. […] Prioritize resolving bad debt and it will change your life forever.” — @financiallybrave
- “Being helpful is the best way to travel on a low budget. Many will host for free if you offer them english lessons, help with online marketing for their BnB or feed their dog. I just saw an ad looking for an extra hand for a week, building a classroom in Morocco, in exchange for housing and an authentic Sahara Desert experience with a local nomad. How amazing right? You can find these ads on WorkAway, HelpX or check out local Facebook groups, newspapers and bulletin boards.” — @mariehusoy
- “You can trick your brain into saving money every time you go to the store by using cash instead of a credit card to make a purchase. If you have $100 in cash, that’s your spending limit. If you exceed that limit, start putting items back.” — @bankrate
- “Set a realistic savings goal. […] The best way to achieve your savings goals is to map out a savings journey” — @mybackupcash
- “The reality is that you can know all there is to possibly know about how to build your wealth, if you aren’t ready to commit to do it, then that is the problem.” — @financiallybrave
- “It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the various financial management choices and goals you have. You must remember to keep it simple. The big idea is to save more and spend less to accumulate more wealth. Don’t get so caught with paying down debt that you completely ignore savings of any kind. Take things one step at a time.” — @myfabfinance
- “Second mortgages are a strong option for debt consolidation. Consumers don’t have to keep track of the many different loan payments and credit card payments—it’s one easy payment that is at a much lower interest rate.” — Naomi Baker, Senior Mortgage Banker, LoanSnap
- “Don’t be extreme. Be consistent.” — @bae_onabudget
- “Review your main financial goal for the week ahead. Map out exactly what you need to do to accomplish it by Friday.” — @clevergirlfinance
- “You will harvest what you plant. So plant intentionally. Play good habits, good values, good work, good decisions… You decide.” — @daveramsey
- “Unsubscribe from every email that might tempt you to spend a dollar more than you actually want to. When you open an email and see a surprise 50% off code from your favorite store, it may seem like a great deal, but consider if you would actually spend any money at all if you didn’t get that email. This is why it’s a good idea to unsubscribe from all email lists that may tempt you — especially around the holidays. When temptation pops up in your inbox, it can be extremely hard to resist.” — @thefinancialdiet
- “Whatever your goal is (to increase saving, pay down debt or something else), write it down somewhere and choose a starting point to try to attain it. Focus on one objective and figure out how much you need by when.” — @bankrate 51. “If you have a smartphone and know how to use the camera then there Is really no reason to not use these money back apps! It’s so simple! You just scan your receipts on products you already purchased and voila! In December alone, I have made $40 back from a typical grocery run. I use Ibotta and Fetch.” — @famileyofseis
- “When building your budget, it is critical that you know the difference between Needs and Wants. Needs are things you absolutely have to have to live life. These are things such as food, water, shelter, transportation, utilities, etc. Wants are luxuries; such as eating out, shopping, gym memberships, vacations, cable, etc. People often confuse needs with luxuries. For example: You need shelter, but you don’t need a 5 bedroom/3 bathroom house when you have a household of 2. Or, you need food, but you don’t need to go out to eat everyday and spend $30+.” — @budgetqueen_blog
- “Check your credit report at least once each year. There might be a debt that can be removed, which in turn could possibly boost your score, allow for better interest rates, and save you money.” — @moneyinmatrimony
- “There’s nothing wrong with taking advantage of a sale — but it’s also better to not spend money if you don’t need to!” — @thefinancialdiet
- “Stop saying ‘I wish.’ Start saying ‘I will.’” — @thatdebtfreelife
- “When I hear that people are using their credit card as an emergency fund it pains me. You should have emergency fund independent from your credit cards.” — @budgetqueen_blog
- “Self worth can’t be found at the store. Stop draining your bank account trying to buy it.” —@lorithebudgetboss
- “I know that cash envelopes aren’t for everyone. And to be honest, I didn’t think they’d be for me either! But oh my goodness do they keep me on track! We only pull out cash for categories in our budget where we tend to overspend (I’m looking at you restaurants budget). Everything else we put on our debit card.” — @inspiredbudget
- “Be stubborn with your vision but be flexible on the details.” — @jeffbezos
- “Everyone starts somewhere. Don’t get discouraged by comparisons.” — @everydayfinancegirl
- “The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself. The more you learn, the more you earn.” — Warren Buffet
- “Rewards apps and programs are a great way to earn extra cash, gift cards or miles. One such amazing app is called Fetch Rewards.@fetchrewards is a super simple way to earn rewards on your groceries. You don’t have to shop anywhere specific. All you have to do is take a picture of your receipt when you shop and boom—you get points. As those points add up you can redeem them for rewards.” — @lorithebudgetboss
- “One of my favorite ‘money” tools is saying no! No, to happy hour (which I hate anyways). No, to that new dress I’m only going to wear once. No, to splitting a massive bar tab when I’ve only had one beer. No, to people and things who don’t support your personal goals and growth.” — @bae_onabudget
- “If you have tried to create and follow a budget, or tried to pay off debt, or tried to save money but always touch it, and nothing seems to work, it’s a sign you need outside help.” — @citygirlsavings
- “Regular meal planning is not something to dread — it can actually add immense value and structure to your week. It really does save money and reduce decision fatigue, and who wouldn’t benefit from that?” — @thefinancialdiet
- “I have never asked for a raise before in my life. And I’m so glad instead of silently steaming about being underpaid, I decided to take action.” — @thatdebtfreelife
- “If you have a ‘policy’ for things you buy, invest, believe etc everything will have a purpose and it will be easier to justify or disregard new purchases/ investments because of how it fits in your policy.” —@everydayfinancegirl
- “Saving and investing on pretty much ANY salary can make you rich over time. The best time to build good money habits is when you’re young. And now is the youngest you’ll ever be!” — @bossgirlmillionaire
- “If your savings account pays less than 1 percent, you’re missing out on an opportunity to earn more interest and reach your savings goals faster.” — @bankrate
- “Be mindful of your non-essential spending aa your income increases or your expenses decrease. Lifestyle creep can very easily derail your financial goals.” — @cleveregirlfinance
- “Don’t forget to cancel that free trial before they charge your card.” — @financialfreedomplan
- “It’s not about having lots of money. It’s about knowing how to manage it.” — @financial_accountability
- “There are many many ways to reduce the amount of energy you are using around your house, that can help reduce the amount of electricity/gas/oil you are using and therefore save you money on your bills and help the environment. [For example…] Use energy efficient appliances.” — @biglifeplan
- “[Choose …] the things that you love enough to spend extravagantly on—and then cutting costs mercilessly on the things you don’t love.” — Ramit Sethi
- “Rules to get rich: live below your means and invest early and often.” — @bossgirlmillionaire
- “An emergency fund is vital. You never know when an emergency will strike and often times you can do very little to prevent or control it.” — @biglifeplan
- “If you went over budget, bought something on impulse you now regret, or just plain need some extra cash, return some things! I’d almost always rather have more money in the bank than more things cluttering up my home.” — @thatdebtfreelife
- “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.” — @thatdebtfreelife
- “Get on a written budget and get extra jobs temporarily to get out of debt as soon as possible.” — @bossgirlmillionaire
- “Are you reviewing your account activity and monthly statements? If not, you may be paying for fees without even realizing it.” — @citygirlsavings
- “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” — Maya Angelou
- “Being in control of your money provides freedom.” — @financial_accountability
- “You have to be intentional about what you do with your money. Each dollar should have an assignment. If you don’t plan where your money go.” — @moneyinmatrimony
- “Regardless of when you want to retire, you should have some sort of retirement plan so that you may retire comfortably.” — @savewithsabet
- “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” — John C. Maxwell
- “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” — Benjamin Franklin
- “Replace thee word ‘spend’ with ‘invest’ in your vocabulary and notice how it impacts your everyday decisions.” — Randy Thio
- “Each cent you apply toward diminishing your debt replenishes you.” — Sure Orman
- “There’s no easy magical formula when it comes to getting out of debt. It takes a lot of time, hard work and discipline.” — Dave Ramsey
- “Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing from your future self.” — Nathan W. Morris
- “I’ve met a lot of people who tell me they don’t know how to save or that they can’t save. Well, here’s a simple trick I was taught. Assuming you work 8 hours a day, save $10 from only the first hour of your pay per day. You can keep everything from the other 7+ hours. That means you save $10 per day which is about $300 per month.” — @savewithsabet
- “Are you paying yourself first? If you want to be rich, you better be putting your priorities above everyone else’s. However, what most of us do (myself included) is pay everyone else first… then try to pay ourselves with what’s left. Usually the money gets spent. We don’t save it. We wind up in a vicious cycle of constantly worrying about how to get out of debt. Without realizing we’re causing our own problem by not paying ourselves first.” — @commonwealthtoday
- “I see it. I want it. I save for it. I pay in cash.” — @bae_onabudget
- “Try out an all cash diet for a week or a month. It’s a great way to curb overspending.” — @clevergirlfinance
- “Learning is a part of growing. Stop using the excuse of not being good with numbers or finances not being your thing as a cop out for not properly managing your finances.” — @coachdreek_plfinances
- “If you’re one or two years out from your home purchase, consider a long-term CD account, or look at high-yield savings accounts that you can withdraw from at any time.” — @bankrate
- “You don’t have to sacrifice everything. I love a nice purse and some cute shoes. Those are somethings that I’m not willing to part ways with. I don’t buy very expensive purses or shoes, so it doesn’t break the budget, but since I love it so much I find a way to fit them in. Budgeting is not all about giving up everything you love.” — @budgetqueen_blog
- “Are you searching for ways to invest more for 2020? Looking for ways to reduce costs next year? Take a look at your cell phone plan and try to negotiate a better deal. If that fails, look into switching to a different carrier. You don’t have to sacrifice coverage or quality.” — @mrsmilleronfire
- “Learn to say no to people, places, and things that keep you from reaching your financial goals.” — @moneyinmatrimony 100. “A lesson about money: You can be broke making $150,000 per year but rich making $40,000 per year. It all comes down to your lifestyle choices and spending habits.” — @makemoneywithcassie Ready to make a budget and set smart savings goals of your own? This 10-step DIY financial plan can help.